Embryonic stem cells

Mojo Risin

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http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/ ... 69/1/.html

SINGAPORE : It seems the problem of hair loss is no longer only confined to middle-aged men.

Dermatologists said teenagers are also facing such problems and the numbers are rising - from an average of one to two cases a month, to weekly.

And the youngest patient is reportedly only six.

Stress is said to be a major cause.

Dermatologists said environmental factors could be a cause too, such as smoking or dieting, or even inappropriate hair care habits.

Hair loss treatment for teens is different from that for adults.

Doctors rarely use medicine; instead, they use counselling to help patients understand the importance of good health.

For more severe cases, doctors may work with psychiatrists to help patients overcome their obsessive compulsive disorders.

Doctors in Singapore are considering a new form of treatment that is based on embryonic stem cells.

A solution is injected directly into the scalp to stimulate hair growth.

According to Dr Eileen Tan from Eileen Tan Skin, Laser and Hair Transplant Clinic, the benefit of such treatment is that there is no need to ingest or apply any medicine every day.

Industry players are working with the National Skin Centre to conduct tests. If the results are favourable, they may import this technology.


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Awesome, it almost seems like everyone around the globe is in a tight race to be the first to find a cure for baldness. All this news is so promising with stem cells.

Am I the only one that can almost taste a solution made available for the public within a few years?

Mojo Risin

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I'm sticking with my 2015 prediction.
Even though everybody is using stem cells right now ... it doesn't mean we fully understand them. Hair is complicated as f***.

I think all those researchers can grow some kind of hair ... but terminal hair ? That's another story.


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Mojo Risin said:
Doctors in Singapore are considering a new form of treatment that is based on embryonic stem cells.

A solution is injected directly into the scalp to stimulate hair growth.
So, this is something different to what we have already discussed? Or this research is performed by one of the known companies?

Mojo Risin

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Well, as far as I know, nobody used EMBRYONIC stem cells so far ... since it's illegal in most of the countries (this is very complicated, all the countries have their own restriction regarding those particular cells) ... but in Asia, it is allowed for research and therapeutic purposes.


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Rnz said:
Mojo Risin said:
I'm sticking with my 2015 prediction.

whats going to happen in 2015?
Although opinions tend to diverge, the consensus is that, for us baldies at least, 2015 is the next... 2012. :mrgreen:


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Vox said:
Rnz said:
Mojo Risin said:
I'm sticking with my 2015 prediction.

whats going to happen in 2015?
Although opinions tend to diverge, the consensus is that, for us baldies at least, 2015 is the next... 2012. :mrgreen:

I don't know why people are comparing NOW to the past. It is so pessimistic, but I guess if you have been bald for a long time, I can see why you think that.

If you look at things in perspective, the technology was insanely new at the start of the decade, so it comes to no surprise that many companies folded as they were dabbling with the tech for the first time. This has been the case with many other medical advances.

Histogen et al have proven to us already, that companies are learning from the mistakes of others. And in the case of the HSC complex have already produced a better solution. Also now in comparison to then, there are A LOT more companies jumping onto the hair multiplication wagon.


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Oknow said:
I don't know why people are comparing NOW to the past. It is so pessimistic, but I guess if you have been bald for a long time, I can see why you think that.
My hair loss started in the '80s; need I say more? But no, I am not really pessimistic, simply some fun now and then it does not hurt. I am from those who can enjoy their life even while being NW6+.

Oknow said:
Also now in comparison to then, there are A LOT more companies jumping onto the hair multiplication wagon.
Yes, this sounds really promising. I only hope they are doing real work in this direction and not just trying to attract ephemeral investments by hiding behind HM trendiness.


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Vox said:
I don't know why people are comparing NOW to the past. It is so pessimistic, but I guess if you have been bald for a long time, I can see why you think that.

My hair loss started in the '80s; need I say more? But no, I am not really pessimistic, simply some fun now and then it does not hurt. I am from those who can enjoy their life even while being NW6+.

How old were you when you lost hair, and what was your pattern?

Vox said:
Yes, this sounds really promising. I only hope they are doing real work in this direction and not just trying to attract ephemeral investments by hiding behind HM trendiness.

Yes, this has crossed my mind.

Well I don't know what the other HM companies are up to. But Histogen is working on multiple products at the same time, and they has recently launched one of them.

My other bet is probably aderans, which is partnered with Bosley to win the race. Simply because they are investing into their technology rather then relying on investors.


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Oknow said:
How old were you when you lost hair, and what was your pattern?
I was around 17-18 when I realized that something was not quite right: too much hair lost but still most of it replaced. I visited a dermatologist which, after seeing my father, erroneously pointed out that I am going bald like him no matter what and he prescribed me a spray to slow it down. Of course that made no difference and I really wish I was balding lke my father, who still keeps much hair.

By the age of 25 it was apparent (with the knowledge I have today) that I was aggressively balding according to a diffuse pattern leading to NW7, which I reached around 30. Knowing the family record, it was apparent that I got the genes of my grandfather from the side of my mother. I hope only that heredity from him stops to hair loss, since he had worse than this and he died before I was born.

The strange thing is that on the top of my head there is today some, very sparse of course, hair that survived and developed a little during the last 2-3 years. But probably this is common among high-grade NWers.

somone uk

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that avatar.......not sure if mojo is trolling or not.............ps3 has no gaems :whistle:

Mojo Risin

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I'm not trolling.
It's Cotsarelis with the famous Troll face. I thought it was funny considering his reputation.


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hellouser said:
...All this news is so promising with stem cells.

Am I the only one that can almost taste a solution made available for the public within a few years?

Yes but I bet it tastes like eggs!