Early Stages Diffuse Thinner - When Should I Take the Plunge


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I'm an early stages diffuse thinner - although my hair is falling at an incredible rate.

I'm just wondering how early I should take the step to getting a system - and what kind of systems work best for diffuse thinners - full or partial?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Also I have a longish hair with a fringe - think Justin Bieber in the early days - is this a style I could maintain with a system?

All replies are much appreciated - Thankyou in advance


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there's no optimum time as it all comes down to individual circumstances, but the more hair you now have the easier it is to make the move discretely if thats a factor to you.

whats the hair like on your sides and at the back? if you have photos it would be easier to give advice.

just googled this justin bieber young - and that style is easy for a system.


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The hair on the sides is still good and strong

How easy would it be to blend these in with a piece?
I'm caucausian with medium-dark brown hair.


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sounds like you need a topper. you will need either to confirm this by a visit or photos depending on who you go for.

blending by a competent stylist is very much like blending natural hair so no issues.

my only other advice is beware of hair clinics and clubs - they usually take advantage of people who know no better and charge them £1000 to £2500 per year locking you in. There are plenty of threads on here and elsewhere.

keep reading and asking and try DIY. Its much cheaper and the results and options better.