Does hair run your life..?


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Kyriakin said:
Yesterday, I had an important exam at University, which will go a long way towards deciding my degree. I'd worked fairliy hard for it.

Unfortunitely, after waking up that morning I stood under a light, and used 2 mirrors to inspect the top of my hair. What I saw was so horrific, that I skipped the exam. It just didn't seem important anymore.

It might well mean that I have to re-take an ENTIRE year at university.

These treatments are CRAP. A 21 year old shouldn't be fast approaching NW5.... :evil:

I understand your pain... we all have these pains. but you need to stop thinking about it... somehow. otherwise ur life will be ruinned, i keep on telling myself that...


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That's just going too far bro. I highly suggest you retool your priorities.


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Kyriakin.. I totally understand how you feel. I feel exactly the same way. We have to find some way to look at our situation to make us feel better, but I have failed to do this and have been trying for over 3 years.


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blueshard said:
Kyriakin.. I totally understand how you feel. I feel exactly the same way. We have to find some way to look at our situation to make us feel better, but I have failed to do this and have been trying for over 3 years.

blue, how long have you been on your current regimen? Thats pretty potent. Have you seen any results at all?


I know that sometimes it can get you down but that is going a little too far! Hair is not the most important thing in life. Your education is way more important than it.


Money makes you more attractive to women than anything else. They are looking for someone to be a good father and provider when it all comes down to it. If you got a full head of hair and work at Taco Bell you won't get the women. But even if you are a shiney dome and got a Porche and make $100k a year, you got them women. Hair is just an extra plus, it is more for you then for ladies.


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I know exactly what you mean. Just last thursday I missed a university exam due the same reason. And I failed my exam on monday because of it. Due to this hairloss of have to take a extra year at school to make up the credits ive lost. Ive been thinking about it and basically realized something about my future. I can continue to worry about it and affect me the way it is now and be bald and a bum in the future. Or i can take a hold of my self and be bald and have a good job in the future. And with the good job be able to afford the best and most expensive future treatments. Worrying about it aint doin sh*t except possibly making it worse and screwin up my future.


Kyriakin said:
Going bald for me isn't an option. I will never except it.

Ok, here is some advise then so hairloss doesn't f*** up your study. Basically think about what you said. GOing bald ain't an option. So do good in school, get a good job make skrilla and then use whatever treatments out then or haircloning or whatever and you won't have to worry. I do agree with you though that thinking about hairloss can make you not do as good in school as usual because you are stressing over hairloss instead of over studying. But just try to block that sh*t out and do it!
Until then, keep dropping those finasteride pills and rubbing on that minoxidil.


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badasshairday said:
Money makes you more attractive to women than anything else. They are looking for someone to be a good father and provider when it all comes down to it. If you got a full head of hair and work at Taco Bell you won't get the women. But even if you are a shiney dome and got a Porche and make $100k a year, you got them women. Hair is just an extra plus, it is more for you then for ladies.


If we pay attention, we could see all the nice convettable cars are driven by bold Men.


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for young 20-something guys, you are a couple of the most shallow guys i've seen in here

the women look for money? so if you had money, they'd flock to you, right? true. only an idiot wouldn't realize she's in it for the money, and nothing else

you won't go bald? you won't have it? did you say you're somewhere around an nw5? please... you're already bald then, and when it's that far progressed- you're f*cked

you skipped a university exam because you woke up one day and realized you're an nw5? so, you thought you were an nw1 the day before? lol, you don't deserve the degree anyway, so don't worry about it

your only problem is your perspective on life- not your hair. you can keep thinking in the manner that you do, but your *smallest* problem later on in life, mid-late 20s will be your hair


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being concerned about hairloss affecting your appearance, especially when you are young, is not shallow.

And yes, not all women are superficial - being rich isn't a sure fire way of meeting a nice woman - neither is being buff and big, though it sure makes it easier ... and lets be honest, I'm not saying that women are superficial but to attract women you have got to OFFER SOMETHING. Vice a versa, right?

You cant expect people to like start taking interest in you if you dont offer any attractive qualities.

If you are a nw5, then my sympathies. I would be as devastated as you probably are. But giving up doesn't improve the situation, it will only make it worse. REALISE THIS. You cannot look back anymore, it will only make things more difficult. Education and hard work will improve your life. So you are bald, so you aren't attractive as you once were - but that is GONE NOW. IT IS OVER. YOU CANNOT MAKE THAT COME BACK.

Make the best with what you still have, work hard and achieve what others who have the money, who have the opportunities and have the LUCK THAT YOU WERE NOT GRANTED, could not achieve.

You will be a better man then all of them - and they too will know it.


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Let's face it, you should thank god for been born with good looks, so many people out there are bad looking and who do they blame? themselves?

What's your advise for them? feeling bad all day and not been able to study at all.

Hairloss is the same. It is fate.. that is what it is. You are borned with it.

those things can't be changed no matter how bad you feel. you might want to save some money to get a transplant, and that is about it. (if these treatments don't work) most likely they won't do much.

Dude, think about this. you are good looking but going bold, what about those who aren't so lucky, borned with bad looking plus going bold? what's your feelings for them? "too bad maybe"

Well, too bad to you too. LOL