Does dermarolling cause initial shedding?


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Hey everybody. So I recently started derma rolling. Once a week with a 1.5mm roller, and no minoxidil for 24 hours afterwards. I recently got a haircut and couldn’t believe how much thinner my hair looked especially at the crown. My hair is approximately an inch or so in length so I know it’s possible the dermaroller is pulling hair out. Or it could be causing an initial shed which is usually a good sign as it means the treatment is working. I guess I’m just concerned about what I should do. Should I continue dermarolling and possibly run the risk of pulling out healthy hairs? Should I stop dermarolling altogether? I don’t really have the money right now for dermapen as some had recommended. I’ve considered changing to a dermastamp but I can’t seem to find a good product. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance!