Doctor gave me Rx for only 10 proscar pills!?!


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Does this sound stupid to anybody else?

How many pills does a regular Merck bottle of 5mg proscar contain? I think I read 30 somewhere on line.

Is anybody else wary of not getting the full bottle, but rather having some guy at Walgreens put only 10 pills into a separate bottle for me?

Is it going to cost me more if I don't get the full 30 pills at one time?

Any advice is appreciated.


Established Member
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I think you may be confused between Proscar and Propecia. Proscar is meant to be divided into 4th's, meaning that those 10 pills become 40. I believe that these 10 Proscar pills are more then a sufficient amount to have at a time and i dont know of anyone who recieves more. I think its the propecia that comes in packages of 30 which is because they are not meant to be split up.


Senior Member
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If you can find a way to split it into 5ths, you'll not only be taking the 1mg recommended dosage, but you'll have a smaller chance of side effects.