Do you ever have violent fantasies?

uncomfortable man

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I'm not a violent guy, actually I'm quite repressed- which is why I often have violent fantasies about being confronted and made fun of in various scenarios and how I would like to react. I just thought of a doosey. I'm at the bar on a Saturday night, it's packed. Sittin at the bar, minding my own business, drinking some whiskey when a group of pompus jock types and their beautiful girlfriends come into the bar. Naturally when anyone walks into a bar, people look, including myself. I glance at one of the hot chicks that caught my eye. She sees me looking and makes this face, Then whispers in her boyfriends ear. Moments later this guy comes over to me and says,"Saw you lookin at my girl. You're way out of your league, baldy. Why do you even bother leaving the house? As he is waiting for a reply, I knock back a mouthful of Jack (holding it in my mouth). Joan Jet's cover of Crimson and Clover comes on the juke box, and i pull out my lighter, flick it then wave the flame in the air as if I were at a concert, then I quickly hold the flame in front of his face, spew out my mouthful of whiskey and flamethrow the muther f****r! Good times.


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That was a weird post. :stupid:


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Nope,can't say I've ever had one of those before.

uncomfortable man

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look, I never said I would do anything like that, but in a world that is often cruel and malicious to people experiencing hair loss it is only human nature to feel resentment towards those that judge you unfairly. If you are bald or are experiencing considerable hairloss, then chances are you've been teased and made fun of in public situations. Lets face it, there are a lot of assholes out there and when I am inevitably confronted with them I (like you) opt for the high road. But I don't believe for a second that any of you aren't angered by it and never think about how good it would feel to give those people what they really deserve. And just because I have a healthy imagination, I don't think it warrants getting psychological help. I'm not some helpless, impotent victim devoid of all passion.


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f*** that buddy. I'm totally with you. Most people will never admit the strangeness of their thoughts even though we all have some odd sh*t going on in our heads. But I absolutely see the whole scene in my head. It would totally kick *** except for the hideous scarring to the face of the bad guy then you might feel bad. I too hold whiskey in my mouth from time to time and stare people down. They don't know I'm doing it but I'm waging a silent challenge in my head. I've never lost yet.

Hans Gruber

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PersonGuy said:
f*** that buddy. I'm totally with you. Most people will never admit the strangeness of their thoughts even though we all have some odd s*** going on in our heads. But I absolutely see the whole scene in my head. It would totally kick *** except for the hideous scarring to the face of the bad guy then you might feel bad. I too hold whiskey in my mouth from time to time and stare people down. They don't know I'm doing it but I'm waging a silent challenge in my head. I've never lost yet.

read CCS' posts


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4 very true. the world I create for myself in my head is sooooo bitchin'


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uncomfortable man said:
I'm not a violent guy, actually I'm quite repressed- which is why I often have violent fantasies about being confronted and made fun of in various scenarios and how I would like to react. I just thought of a doosey. I'm at the bar on a Saturday night, it's packed. Sittin at the bar, minding my own business, drinking some whiskey when a group of pompus jock types and their beautiful girlfriends come into the bar. Naturally when anyone walks into a bar, people look, including myself. I glance at one of the hot chicks that caught my eye. She sees me looking and makes this face, Then whispers in her boyfriends ear. Moments later this guy comes over to me and says,"Saw you lookin at my girl. You're way out of your league, baldy. Why do you even bother leaving the house? As he is waiting for a reply, I knock back a mouthful of Jack (holding it in my mouth). Joan Jet's cover of Crimson and Clover comes on the juke box, and i pull out my lighter, flick it then wave the flame in the air as if I were at a concert, then I quickly hold the flame in front of his face, spew out my mouthful of whiskey and flamethrow the muther f****r! Good times.

haha loving the way theres a soundtrack to the attack! very thorough


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I don't think there is anything that bad about the fantasy. I mean unless he is actually considering doing it. What it tells me is that his hairloss hurts him in a dear way. It's like if you have a child who is handicapped and some guy makes fun of him in front of you, would you not want to bash his head in? I know I would.

In terms of the scenario in his dream, I think I would just leave and it would bother me for the rest of my life. Unless I was at the very end of my rope, and then honestly, I might consider attacking them.