Do you dread getting haircuts ?


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I personally do get pretty anxious before I am about to go to my hairdresser's. It's not because I am worried that she'll give me a bad haircut or something but it's because they always make it a point to tell that you are losing hair and need to do something about it. They don't shut up until you tell them " Lady I am already on the pill ". How are your experiences with a hairdresser ?


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I do.

I've never had a hairdresser tell me I'm losing hair (Although it's obvious).

I did once have one lift up my fringe with a comb near my temple to check the length, then pull a wierd confused face, before going back and looking again. :(

Autumn Sundown

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It's strange that a hairdresser would point out that you're losing hair. It's rare that I see a grown man who hasn't thinned or receded a bit.
It's not like it's a strange or unusual thing, it's just something some people don't think looks good on them.

Anyway, yeah, I dread getting haircuts. But that's just because I'm lazy and hate the idea of having to get up and go there. :p


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i just cut my own hair

been doing it for 6 years now

solves everything and you always get what you want because you do it yourself


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It happened to me once.

I was 17 y.o., my hair loss had just begun and it was terrible. My hair was a complete mess. The hairdresser was actually scared when she saw how bad my problem was, she just kept saying I had to consult a dermatologist (which I did and turned out to be useless).

Today (fifteen years later), going to the hairdresser is no longer a problem and no cause for anxiety. Thank God for Proscar: it has given me hair AND peace of mind.


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Ive had the same hairdresser since i was 7 and im now 24, i tell him absolutely everything and he even knows im on minoxidil and Propecia. He seems to like to reassure me everything is looking good as oppose to tell me that i look bad. He is a good guy. Mad respect for him, he is someone who used to have LONG LONG LONG and went bald Very fast and never cared so mad respect to him,


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When i just turned 18 i went down to my local hairdresser. The lady cutting my hair told me i was losing it... WTF? First time i'd ever heard that comment or hairloss even crossed my mind! I remember i stood up from the chair and looked in the mirror after pulling back my fringe back, i didn see any difference, but she was 100% positive!

Skank! Didn need to tell me that, although in the long run it was probabaly a good thing and i understand she was only trying to help. Still hurt to hear it and for others to hear it aswell. Long story short after 3 haircuts (getting anxious each time), i just thought forget that, im gona learn to cut my own hair.

So after a load of botched efforts, now i can cut it just the way i need to and i can adapt it to suit my hairloss. Plus i save money and can afford the products i need.


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I stopped going to the hairdressers about four years ago. I was a young guy (18) with an obvious receding hairline. However, I didn't like going even when I had a full head of hair. The forced smalltalk, the group of people watching and waiting; it was an awkward environment.

When the hair loss started it just felt a bit worse, as I thought everyone would be thinking 'why's he getting an haircut, why doesn't he shave it'. This was especially true because two of the three hairdressers were completely bald men; there was not a single hair on their heads. Every time they cut my hair I was just waiting for them to say 'you's time to join the club, buddy'.

I'm glad I cut my own hair now (quick and easy grade 1 buzzcut). It's cheaper and less stressful. I also don't have to feel like the old combover guy in the hairdressers; the one who just can't let go.

Nashville Hairline

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I get a dry cut now when I go..previously with my hair wet under the bright lights in the barbers was a totally harrowing experience so I'm not doing that anymore. I wish I knew how to cut it myself cos I'd definitely do it that way if I could.


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Oh yeah. I'm only a NW2 but it still sucks.

I'll be sitting there and some 50 year old NW1 comes in and gets a buzzcut. Meanwhile I'm telling them to cut the sides shorter, leave a little piece next to the temples longer to cover them, etc. While this dude over twice my age just buzzes his and has a great hairline and walks out.

And there's a barber where I go who is probably 50+ and has the thickest hair I have ever seen. It is like 80's hair metal. Anyway I told him I had a receding hairline and he's like "I do too brother" then proceeded to show me about 1 mm of recession. Bah.

I'd love to be able to cut my own hair but until I start buzzing I'm just gonna have to suffer.


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I wouldnt know because ive never had a hair transplant YET, but wouldnt it just be easier for you to tell them you had a hair transplant. Its not different then them having cosmetic surgery (liposuction, Nose Job, Breast implant Etc) I dont know but since im a straight forward kinda guy who probably will get a hair transplant when the time is right, i just think it would be easier to say its from a hair transplant then make up a story. But that is my own personal opinion and i respect that it might be harder for some then others but trust me the f*** it attitude has got me alot in life lol.

uncomfortable man

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I don't see what's so embarrassing. When I go to get my ball hair trimmed, I just drop my pants and ask her to just take a little off the bottom. :dunno:


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dudemon said:
ComeOnPropy said:
I wouldnt know because ive never had a hair transplant YET, but wouldnt it just be easier for you to tell them you had a hair transplant. Its not different then them having cosmetic surgery (liposuction, Nose Job, Breast implant Etc) I dont know but since im a straight forward kinda guy who probably will get a hair transplant when the time is right, i just think it would be easier to say its from a hair transplant then make up a story. But that is my own personal opinion and i respect that it might be harder for some then others but trust me the f*ck it attitude has got me alot in life lol.

NO way dude. The last thing you want to tell some hot chick (even if she is cutting your hair) is that you've had a hair transplant.

Because female hairdressers know so much about hair and see lots of it everyday, she'll probably figure it out anyways while cutting your hair. But I STILL would not admit to it. Hell, I'd say I got into a motorcycle accident or something, anything but "yes, I had a hair transplant."

It shows her (and her friends, who might be lurking nearby, or whom you might "bump" into later on) that you have a MAJOR insecurity about yourself. Instant turn-off to women.

Avoid telling women anything of the sort, as it will get you labeled as a complete loser.

The whole idea of hair transplant's is that nobody is supposed to know.

Obviously, if you already had a g/f or wife, then you would have to tell her. But most women would not consider it sexy that you are getting a hair job.

Looks and beauty are feminine traits. Guys aren't supposed to care about their appearance - even when they are bald.

Easier said than done for some bald guys.

yeah guys are supposed to be good looking and do nothing about their appearance.

Chicks are SUPPOSED to paint their faces to look good.


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I personally quite like haircuts. I have been going to the same one since I was a kid pretty much. Since my recession I always go for the fail safe buzz cut, number 1 on sides and I don't mind to much about up top. Its when the hair grows on my sides that my forehead starts to look a lot wider and bulbous. Once they know what you want its fine.

For your reasons, no im not scared about going to have a haircut in case they talk about my recession. If they do they do, if they dont, they dont. But they havnt. And mostly - I dont think that this is the down thing - hairdressers usually operate a kind of 'polite' policy. They aren't just going to ask you about it unless they dont reallze how sensitive a subject it is going to be.

With buzz cuts, very short on the sides etc, you really cant go wrong, its a pretty failsafe cut. I do have a fantasy about having long hair, and it covering my recession well, but the time it takes to grow it all out is just too long as it looks very ratty and nasty. sigh.

In some ways we should be grateful that we live in a age where skinheads and bald looks are tolerated and even like by some (apperantly lol) even though our age is one of external idealization and inner suppresion. Pros and Cons I guuess.


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it's ironic isn't it. it's more difficult for bald/balding guys to go get a hair cut, but it's more important too to make sure it looks good and stays in control.

normally what I'll do is pull back my hair and say "i've got this rather large widow's peak, so i like to keep it a bit longer in front". it's really code for hair loss/recession, but i don't have to come out and say it. works quite well.

also, see if you have cosmetology schools in your area. these are schools where the up-and-coming girls train to become hair dressers. it's often very cheap, and the girls are into experimenting/trying new cuts and not all jaded and "seen it all" like the regular salons.

just an idea!


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Just got my hair cut. I always like the feeling afterwards. Because it's short it feels thicker, and I don't need to worry about what it looks like in the wind.

I just keep them talking about happy stuff to take the attention away from talking about my hair.


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Yes, getting a haircut can indeed be a horrifying experience.... I go to the same hairdresser as I always have (a guy) when I´m back home. I talked to him about it when I started losing it and he said that yes my hairline would probably keep creeping up but that there were products to slow it down. All he had to sell me was Nisim.. Anyways he´s aware of my problem and I feel comfortable getting a haircut from him.
I live out of town though and going to a new hairdresser was ¨exciting¨ to say the least... I remember the second time I went in and she asked if she had cut my hair last time. I said I think so and she said she seemed to remember messing around with my bangs before. It´s like an island in front, very obvious. What I found helpful is try to act like I don´t care too much. When they ask how I like my bangs etc I just say something like "not much left there to cut... You just cut it whatever way you think looks best. You´re the pro afterall" :) But yeah, if you get a decent haircut it definately feels better, and I get comments after getting a cut how much better I look with short hair. Always used to have long shaggy surfer-hair so it´s not really me though.