Diffuse thining


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Hi...I have 19 years and i'm experience diffuse thining for about 1 year...i am using propecia for about 9 months without good results...in the bath im losing 10-15 hairs and i'm considering start using minoxidil 5%, its a good choice?And last question is i'm using nizoral for about 9 months too and i still have my scalp a little dirty can you tell a good regular shampoo without tgel and tsal because i think in my country dont sell it...thanks and good luck for all :D


Senior Member
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Scar_fx said:
Hi...I have 19 years and i'm experience diffuse thining for about 1 year...i am using propecia for about 9 months without good results...in the bath im losing 10-15 hairs and i'm considering start using minoxidil 5%, its a good choice?And last question is i'm using nizoral for about 9 months too and i still have my scalp a little dirty can you tell a good regular shampoo without tgel and tsal because i think in my country dont sell it...thanks and good luck for all :D

well from what people have told me.. that amount of hairloss in the bath is normal.

and as far as propecia goes.. even though your still experiencing hair loss.. it could be much worse if you get off of it.


nizoral is definatly a good choice.. dunnno what else to suggest when you dont use that if tgel isnt avaliable.