

Established Member
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My hair is disappearing so quickly now that it will be all gone on top at this rate in a few weeks. Four and a half months on the big three. Depression is hard to avoid at this point. I can't trust that this will all grow back any more. It's ten times worse than it's ever been. Why did I ever start on finasteride? I have no options left, and this is ruining any chance I had of recovery. I know..."wait and hang in". Well, I'll have nothing to hang in with.


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I don't mean to discourage anyone. I'm just probably a person for whom nothing will work any more. Good luck to all.


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I would recommend to take minoxidil 2xdaily (not sometimes once a day as declared in your regimen)and stick with your regimen.
4.5months is not enough to tell if it works.

Good luck!


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You're right. It's still early in the Propecia game. I hate reading my post...I sound like a whiney pussy. It's just so hard to wake up every morning with less and less hair and try to cover it with Toppik. If I could shave my head, I'd do it NOW. But I have to look like I have hair for at least another year or two for my job.

I've updated my regimen listing because I've added nizoral (does that cause increased shedding at first?) a couple of weeks ago, and I'm going back to the lasercomb tonight, which I used for a long time with great success. I stopped it about a month ago because I thought it might be triggering sheds, but I don't think so any more. My hair is definitely weaker, thinner, and of poorer quality all over my head since I stopped using it.

Pulling myself together for another month of shedding, or improvement, or whatever comes. Thanks for listening.


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Re: yep

justasking said:
Pulling myself together for another month of shedding, or improvement, or whatever comes. Thanks for listening.

Been there.

When I started, I had absolutely no expectations that anything would work. I thought I had started to fast. Good luck and do your best to not look in the mirror every 45 minutes.