damn, i got 2 small scabs



Man things where going very well for me and my hair was looking very good and still is. My looks extremely thick and healthy and my hairline moved up a lot.

But I washed my hair with nano the other day and it really dried out my hair. I took a break from it and my hair was good again. Then I used it this morning and my hair seemed dry again even though I used it only 1 min. Then I was applying my rogaine and noticed 2 small dot scabs on my scalp. I picked at one and it started slightly bleeding. I dont know what this means. I dont know how the scabs got there. I think its due to nano.

Any one have any comments?


Senior Member
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You might be having irritation from the Rogaine. Suggested solution for this is Folligen cream/lotion/spray a half hour to an hour after applying the Rogaine. It really helps.



Senior Member
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orrrrr maybe you bumped your head somewhere and don't remember. funny how everything is blamed on a product.. some of you are right. it's accusations like this that scare people from taking things that may be good for them in stopping hairloss. i'm getting proscar soon. looking forward to it despite all the accusations of how it's done sh*t to them


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What hairloss talk said. You also may be having a reaction to the PPG in minoxidil. I would get 1 bottle of Dr. Lee's PPG-Free minoxidil to see if that is any less irritating.


Established Member
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He's saying the dryness occured post-nano use. Before investing in folligen
and dr.lee's minoxidil, stop the nano and see if it goes away. I also suffered from dry scalp and hair after using nano. I no longer use nano. Instead I use thicker fuller hair shampoo and conditioner. Works well as a hair thickener as well as for anti-inflammatory purposes(in my case).


The scabs are barely noticeable to my eye unless I look closely. Pre hairloss I woulda never noticed. I am just concerened cause I want to have a healthy scalp for my hairloss situation.

And I have not had ONE NEGATIVE side effect from rogaine. It has a bad rap, but its no big deal. I dont even notice the stuff on my head 2 min after I put it on. Plus the scabs are in areas where I put spironolactone 5% and not the rogaine.

I ran out of nano so I am just gunna switch it up with folligen shampoo. The conditioner is really good so I hope the shampoo will be the same.