Cutting Proscar or WHOLE


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Is cutting proscar tablets going to kill its potency at all, or somehow damage the pill itself.

I know it sounds stupid, but am i better off taking the whole 5mg tablet anyways?


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When you cut the Proscar in to 4ths you may not get the 1.25MG of finasteride your trying to hit. But after the 4 day of the last day of that piece of Proscar you will get around 4.8 to 4.9 finasteride which is more then enough to help your hair loss. Propecia is Proscar but only has 1MG of finasteride and you take it everyday. 4MG in one day vs 4.6 to 5MG(depend on how good you cut the pill). If cutting the pills was bad then no drug in the market would be good because all have to be cut or press in to size.


Nickie said:
Is cutting proscar tablets going to kill its potency at all, or somehow damage the pill itself.


Nickie said:
I know it sounds stupid, but am i better off taking the whole 5mg tablet anyways?

no!!! :freaked:


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Okay, if i cut the proscar pill in fourths or uneven parts, and take an uneven dose every other day, will that harm my treatment at all...

or is it okay?

i really cant cut effectively and the pills way too small, and im afraid that by cutting it ur exposing the inside to air, which might make it less powerful. i hope thats just bullshit.

anyways someone help!


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I agree with what Tynan is saying - the only difference is the size of your wallet really. Cutting Proscar is sooo much cheaper.

I cut my Proscar in 4ths - a lot of people cut it with a scalpel and everybody said a pill cutter was sh*t but I bought one anyway. I have to say it works a charm! I don't know if there are different versions of pill cutters but mine is freakkin' awesome. No crumbling whatsoever. I will post a pic as soon as I get around to it...

I normally cut 3 pills - put them in a pill jar.