Crown Is Starting To Thin, Any Thoughts?


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Hi all,

I've been stalking the forum for the past few weeks to gather info on/other people's experiences of hair loss. Recently, I've had the odd comment from a few friends about my crown thinning. Now, I wasn't sure whether they were joking or not as we're always picking at faults in each other and taking the mick. However, it wasn't until a friend from another circle made a comment that I took note. I've got the girlfriend to have a look, she's adamant my hair's always been like that, but she's seen me pretty much everyday for the last 4 years, so wouldn't notice as much. My step mum cuts my hair and hasn't made a comment, which would be unlike her, as she likes to take the mick too.

I've uploaded 2 pics of my crown from today (I'm 22) and one from Sept 2015 (before I'd even contemplated receiving hair loss). Tell me what you think? I don't think I've lost too much hair, however, I believe there to be thinning.

I've read research that suggests Nizoral 2% *is* as effective as Minoxidil 2% and is somewhat of a DHT blocker. I've purchased this and plan to use it 2 to 3 (optimal?) times per week. I am contemplating buying some Minoxidil foam - I've read the reviews about the liquid being itchy as.. I've also read research that states that once per day is almost, if not as, effective as twice per day. I know it loses its effectiveness over the long-term, but I'm hoping something new will hit the market within the next 5 years or so.

As far as Propecia goes, I want to do more reading around the drug before diving in. I'm aware that *only* 1% of people experience serious sides, but I don't trust the figures that are published. I'm also aware that people are more likely to take to the internet to complain than spread positivity.
Finally, on the days that I don't use Nizoral, what shampoo & conditioner could I use that isn't too harsh on that scalp/hair?


Crown (2).jpg 20170327_190423-1.jpg 20170327_190443-1.jpg


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The second picture seems to suggest something might indeed be going on with your vertex.
Minoxidil can probably help.