Crazy success after three months on finasteride/min, how to proceed?

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Hi there,

I have had crazy success on finasteride (1mg generic every day) and minoxidil (once every day) in the last three months.
The two pictures are actually less than three months apart.


Now I am perfectly happy with the result and looking for ways to keep my hair as long as possible.

Would it make sense to back down on the finasteride dosage and then get it back up once I start to loose ground again to prevent any sort of adaption of my body to finasteride? Or should I just keep going with 1mg every day?


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Holy ****. You regrew all that within 3 months? I would say if it's not broken, don't fix it. The 1mg is clearly working for you, so stick with the tried and true...

Can I ask what type of finasteride you're taking? How big are the pills?
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Yes. What you don't see on the pictures is the fact that my hairline actually has not moved, the whole area that is now covered in thick hair actually had very few tiny weak hairs before. I might just have been really lucky with my timing. I started finasteride on the 22nd of december, when the first picture was taken. The second picture is from today.

Regarding your question of the pills, it is 1mg generic finasteride from different companies (ratiopharm, actavis,....) whatever my local pharmacy can get me. My dad is a doctor so I can easily get prescriptions. Like all generic finasteride 1mg they are small, round and sort of an orange/red/brownish color.


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Cool, so the weaker hairs have gone terminal. You've been a great responder.

Yes, the pills are tiny. Really hard to cut! When you cut it into fourths it's so tiny it's like nothing.


Established Member
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Soak it in man, enjoy these days while finasteride is able to help you. Soon, you'll wake up one day and see your hairs getting thinner in diameter.


Senior Member
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Hi ThrowAway,
How old are you now and can you tell me how long has it been since you first noticed your hair loss?
BTW thanks for providing pics.
Congratulations on your remarkable progress.
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23 years old, I've been consistently loosing hair for like the last 3-5 years but I was not really bothered by it because I hat crazy thick hair to beginn. It was thick to the point where it was almost impossible to style and cut.


Senior Member
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Yeah that was me also. I used to instruct the barber/stylist to thin the hell out of it before Androgenetic Alopecia hit me.., and it hit me HARD.
Feel lucky man you're a great responder.