CPR kills. Drown victims are alive for 2 hours.


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http://www.newsweek.com/2007/05/06/to-t ... -dead.html

Your cells are programmed to self destruct if they ever become abnormal or cancerous.

For a long time, doctors thought that the reason they could not revive people after 5 minutes of no oxygen is that irreparable damage was done. Death was defined as when the heart stopped beating and the brain shut down. Then in 2007, scientists looked at heart cells under a microscope, to investigate the irreparable damage. They were suprised to see that the heart cells did not die until after 2 hours without oxygen. They simply shut down since they did not have any energy. They only died earlier than 2 hours when oxygen was re-introduced all of a sudden, as is done during CPR. The scientists believe that the cells can't tell the difference between being abnormal, and having a sudden oxygen change. They self destruct.

Much later, some scientists experiemented on several human victims, using known methods for some of them, and an experimental method for the others. The experimental method was to gradually re-introduce oxygen into the system. The CPR patients had a 15% recovery rate, as expected. The gradual group had an 80% recovery rate. The scientists then set out to find the best way to bring people back.

As long as the body has been without air less than 5 minutes, CPR seems to be effective. After that, you have two hours to save someone with the gradual method, but can kill them with CPR, the article says. I have not found any updates.


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Interesting; this sounds related to some studies i read a while back about "suspended animation" of dogs... basically they'd replace their blood with oxygen-less saline solution i believe; causing a state of anoxia induced hibernation; that could then be gradually reversed. It's not fresh in my mind; so maybe it wasn't the real deal...but possibly related.

somone uk

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i would like to see a proper scientific investigation and peer reviews before i start suffocating drown victims in order to save them but it's interesting the idea that CPR maybe obsolete


Established Member
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somone uk said:
i would like to see a popper scientific investigation and peer reviews before i start suffocating drown victims in order to save them but it's interesting the idea that CPR maybe obsolete

this likes for gays man yes?


Bekim :puke:

somone uk

Experienced Member
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Bekim said:
somone uk said:
i would like to see a popper scientific investigation and peer reviews before i start suffocating drown victims in order to save them but it's interesting the idea that CPR maybe obsolete

this likes for gays man yes?


Bekim :puke:
you would know better than me about that