Couldn't get Proscar


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So I went to the Doctor today (University Health, I'm stupid) and she wouldn't give me Proscar but gave me a Propecia prescription. Obv. it would be stupid to pay for Propecia, which I can't afford anyhow, so I will have to get a generic it seems. Big Jim already give me a link to United, which I am planning on using, unless people have either 1) a better idea/place to order or 2) know a pharmacy that will give proscar with a propecia Rx. Thanks!


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order it on dont need prescription there.
Works for me :D


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go to a better doctor, the reason she won't perscribe it to you is because she probably has no experience perscribing it as a hair loss pill. my doctor has perscribed it many times, and he didn't want to give me propecia because of the cost. he perscribed proscar immidiately.

just find a better doctor, ever person should have a good doctor least know of one because being diagnosed in walk ins and stuff is really shitty.


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My dermatologist was on a**h** like that. I went to my regular Doctor and convinced him to write it for off label use and to write clear instructions to take 1/5th daily (to make it 1 mg like Propecia ) and he agreed. Pharmicists will give you hell even if you do have a prescription especially if you are in your 20s. My pharmacist at Duane Reade wouldn't fill it until she spoke to the Doctor himself and confirmed that it was legit lol.