Could my Finpecia be fake or am I psyching myself out?

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I was a bit concerned when my order arrived and the Finpecia came in a plain white box, three tabs rubber banded together... but I figure this is because of customs and everything... although I hadn't heard of it arriving that way aside from a few people from this forum saying their's was the same after I made a thread about it.

But what's gotten me worried is that I've been on the pill for 3 weeks and have felt no change at all AND I'm having issues that make me think my DHT couldn't be any lower. First, I haven't felt any different at all. No sides, no ball ache, I haven't noticed any change to my erm "output", no problems whatsoever with my sex drive (it's as high as ever), absolutely nothing. Now I know, crazy right? I'm complaining about my balls not aching.

But even though side effects are listed as around 2-3% it seems to me that most guys noticed at least SOME kind of change to their body at least within the first few weeks of taking it. Watery jizz, testicle pain, nipple aches, it seems that most people here had SOMETHING change from introducing this drug into their system.

I've also noticed an increase in my body hair over the past few weeks. It's nothing too much different from the last few months (I was already going through an upswing in body hair growth) but I've noticed hair in newer places (I'm getting some right below where the bottom of my facial hair used to be :|). Shouldn't inhibiting my DHT have caused this new hair to not grow in, or at least grow in slower or am I misunderstood? I'm sure this hair wasn't here a month ago.

Sorry for the idiotic ramblings, but I guess that's the fear that comes with buying questionable drugs online. :/ Am I bringing this all on myself or should I really consider going for a prescription?


Established Member
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wheres your finasteride from? i got my fincar from inhouse and thats how mine came packaged. i also have had 0 sides so far ( 21 days in ) and still seem to have a little little bit of scalp itch every now and then. having said that, it doesn't taste like sugar or anything and i've only heard good things about inhouse.


New Member
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Well, only 1-2% of the population even experiences sides so I think you may be freaking out a bit. Give it 6 months and see if it did anything or not. A lack of side effects is not only good, but also statistically VERY probable.
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kthxbi said:
wheres your finasteride from? i got my fincar from inhouse and thats how mine came packaged. i also have had 0 sides so far ( 21 days in ) and still seem to have a little little bit of scalp itch every now and then. having said that, it doesn't taste like sugar or anything and i've only heard good things about inhouse.

Inhouse also. I have a little bit of the itch still too, but I also have Seborrheic dermatitis so I'm not sure if it's because of that or the pills not woring...

Glad to hear I'm not alone in getting it packaged this way though. I've heard a few others describe theirs the same way, so unless we're all being screwed I'm not worried about the packaging anymore. I guess I'll take the advice of waiting it out. I just wish there was a way to know. If I were on prescribed stuff I would have no problem with a wait-and-see attitude.

Thanks guys. :)


Established Member
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Well, I picked up my fincar today at the post office. Same symptoms as you, white box, three packets rubber-band today.


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firstly Ball Ache is often derived from excessive sexual activities

I too have been on finasteride for 2 months now and currently think I am going thru a Shed..because I have still been loosing hairs in in the shower consecutively.

My hair texture is definitely slightly thicker since the fine other than that no side effects.

I have been told its at the 6month mark one should see any sidies/progress.

Honestly I cannot see how an extra 4months will change the hair loss situation as 2months has gone by and really cannot see an thing major.
If anything my hair is still progressively, looking worse, and the thing that is doing my head in, is that there is risk and the drug is Flipping Expensive!

I have taken may drugs and you feel them kicking in at a certain point?

Finpecia is the opposite at the moment,
Fingers Crossed any way,,


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I got my packaging the same way from inhouse and Ive been getting side effects from it. So Im pretty sure theyre real.


Established Member
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How do you guys cut your pills? I just tried cutting mine with a knife and it's hard to cut. I found out the blue on the pill is just paint.


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Someone on these forums get those tested a while back I'm pretty sure. I dunno how, but it'd be worth looking in to.


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PileOn said:
How do you guys cut your pills? I just tried cutting mine with a knife and it's hard to cut. I found out the blue on the pill is just paint.

With a pill spitter, you can get one at any drug store.


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I'm sorry, but some of you guys are rediculous.. These posts are proof of how all this 'side effect fear mongering' plays tricks on people's minds.

The posts that you see on this forum with people complaining about sides represent either the people that have tricked themselves into believing they have sides, or of the unlucky 2% minority that actually have sides. Since complainers are always the loudest, and people with no symptoms will never post to say they have no symptoms, so you are seeing an EXTREMELY biased sample of finasteride users. The internet is notoriously bad for this effect. Read any product review online, and you will see the same thing.

You will not see any effects from the drug at 3 weeks. Body hair doesn't tell you anything, and if you think it's thicker now, you are seeing things.

If you are an extremely lucky responder to the drug, you may see some positive growth and thickening at 3 months. But seriously, you need to not obsess over it. Guage your results with pictures, and not daily scalp examinations.

And also, hopefully to counteract all the negative surrounding this drug, i've been on it for about 3 weeks also. No side effects, the only thing I notice is that the scalp itch I was experiencing before has been significantly reduced.


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May be too early to tell, in my first 2 weeks the only difference I felt was slightly raised libido (it has since dropped back to how it was). I got nut-ache slightly later on (I guess withing the first month), which was on and off for maybe a week. I've only had nut-ache since when switching dosages (1mg EOD when my Propecia was running out to 1.25mg daily when I got a new prescription sorted).


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PileOn said:
How do you guys cut your pills? I just tried cutting mine with a knife and it's hard to cut. I found out the blue on the pill is just paint.
general opinion is to get a pill cutter. i'm £110 in debt though so i'm not gunna be making any purchases i can avoid at all - i've just taken a blade outta my razor, and i'll make a slit thru the middle of the pill. i then put my front teeth over this incision and bite down so it splits it down the middle, then bite one of the halves in half and swallow that as my quarter pill :)

and as tyler durden said, someone did get them tested and it all came out ok then, bout a half year ago.