Completed 6 months on Finasteride...


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So, here is the summary of my progress. I noticed diffuse thinning in August of 2002. I noticed it because a buddy and I drove to the beach with the sunroof open and I got a sunburn on my scalp. At this point it was not noticeable in the mirror to me. Anyway, by Feb of 2003 it had progressed to where it was noticeable to me whenever I spiked my hair. I got some Nizoral and started to use it.

During the summer of 2003, I got progressively bad after each haircut and I noticed that I was not needing to get haircuts nearly as often as before. When July hit, I realized that while the summer before I would need a haircut every 3 weeks, this particular summer I would need them only every 6 weeks. When I spiked my hair you could see mega scalp. Also, I noticed little pimples on my scalp and they hurt like a biatch. As of July, I decided no more haircuts and I would grow my hair out.

When August hit, I purchased some Proscar from and started on it at 1 mg per day, continuing with the Nizoral every other day. I got mild side effects from it (Watery Jizz) by week 2 and by the 1 month mark, they were gone.

Well, flash forward to today and I have to say things have improved. I got a hair cut 2.5 weeks ago and already need another one. The hairs I shed are of much higher quality than back then and my hair looks alot better when spiked. I actually think I have some new hairs sprouting on my hairline, but this is of no concern to me because I have the same cosmetic hairline as I always have, but I suppose it is good news to people who are wondering if it can help there. I could not tell you if I shed more or not because I never really paid attention to it until I noticed my scalp showing. If i were to rate my choice to use finasteride on a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a 9, but I imagine this number will go up in the next few months. While I know I cannot say for sure, I would hate to see what my head would look like right now if I would not have hopped on this stuff. For what little it costs, I would say it is a very unwise decision not to use this stuff if you notice your hair going away.

As for those worrying about estrogenic side effects, I got none. I have dropped my bodyfat from 16% to 9% since January and gyno has not even been a concern.

PS-It is true that once people get results they rarely come back here. When I first started, I was on here 5 to 6 times a day. Now I am lucky if I even lurk 5 times a month.


thats good to hear. im glad you posted after your success because i have noticed that many people on here are newbies to balding and the ones that have success just stop coming around and posting.


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badasshairday said:
thats good to hear. im glad you posted after your success because i have noticed that many people on here are newbies to balding and the ones that have success just stop coming around and posting.

I still post, but mainly it's just crazy sh*t. I rarely post hair related stuff.

Hairless Potter

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Great news! Thanks for the update, it's extremely encouraging for those of us who have not yet gotten results from finasteride. :D