Communication in hair cell populations discoverd.


Established Member
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Yeah the last thing we need is more research and data about hair loss. Who do these f*****g scientists think they are? Wankers... I bet all these things are just just funded by billionaire nw1's who spend all their time getting their dick sucked by 17 year old fashion model twins while laughing at pics of balding guys on google images. I f*****g hate life I want to die.


Experienced Member
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you both are desperate and in deep depresion guys! relax what if you will have cancer? still making those signs on a forum? :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit:

do you really think that if anyone out there would have the cure would not spread in the world to become a multibilionaire? sometimes your posts are ridiculous ...

somone uk

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conspiracy theories aside the chances of this information becoming a useful product so unlikely i don't even think it's worth publishing

it's like a newspaper describing someone who bought a lottery ticket as a "potential millionaire"