Climate changing faster than expected: scientists


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It has been two years since the landmark Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report gave its most recent assessment on the state of the planet's changing climate.

Now, 26 international scientists have collated the most recent data and observations, and they have found that climate change is accelerating beyond expectations.

Most of the 26 scientists are authors of reports published by the IPCC. They have updated the panel's latest scientific projections and their observations show an acceleration of change.

According to their research, the Arctic may be ice-free by the summer of 2030 and sea levels could reach the upper limit of 2 metres by the turn of the century.

Professor Matthew England from the University of New South Wales is a contributing author to the report and he says things are changing rapidly.

"Over the last few years, some of those indicators have accelerated, some are right where the IPCC forecast, but the mix of all of the indicators tells us that, if anything, the IPCC projections were slightly conservative," he said.

"[They were] absolutely on the money for some metrics, but for things like Arctic sea ice, the system there has changed much more rapidly than any scientists envisaged."

According to the scientists' observations, sea levels have risen more than five centimetres over the past 15 years - about 80 per cent higher than IPCC projections made in 2001.

And the Arctic sea ice melt over the last two years was about 40 per cent greater than the last forecast.

Ice-free Arctic summer

Professor England says the observed rate of summer ice melt is now running faster than any climate model can predict.

"The Arctic sea ice was thought to be something we saw that we would continue to see during summer time right through to the end of this century, and possibly even beyond," he said.

"At the moment we may have an Arctic that is ice-free in summer as early as about 2030 and that really is bringing forward that ice melt much closer to now than we had previously thought."

With that in mind, the scientists say global emissions must peak then decline rapidly within a decade if the worst of climate change is to be avoided.

And the researchers says global warming could reach as high as 7 degrees Celsius by the turn of the century if emissions are not curbed.

While some might question the doom and gloom observations, Will Steffen from the Australian National University has welcomed the update and he has called on scientific critics to put forward their work.

"There will be those who say, 'Well this is just more doom and gloom' and so on, but you have to ask, do those people come from the main credible scientific community?" he said.

"There are a lot of people who are scientists but are they part of the credible, reputable climate change science community?

"And second of all, if they dispute this, have they taken their evidence and published it in the peer-reviewed literature, in the prominent journals? And the answer is no, you can't find it there." ... 752579.htm

somone uk

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i live in a hilly part of Yorkshire so at the moment i don't care because all global warming will do is make me live next to a lake rather than a river

the problem is when people think about green ideas they completely disregard both economics and public will
have you seen how much effort people had to put in to try and get people to reuse bags

i can't believe people are actually surprised that no one is driving an electric car then they power them at 4hp, make them the size of a shoe and make the driver look like a tit
i can't believe people are surprised so few are recycling, recycling involves going out to a tip yourself, sorting your your rubbish and driving back, if you throw it into a bin for landfill the dustbin trucks come right to your door!

i can't believe people are surprised that most companies don't use recycled materials (for example a plastic bottle) when it's cheaper to make a new bottle then it is to clean an old one

we live in a society where people like throwing things away and trying to change that is futile, the earlier people learn that the better, we like 1 bin not 7, if we at least used biodegradable packaging we could make a usable biomass

we live in a world where people fail to keep their phones charged so how on earth are we supposed to have battery-powered cars

i used to care but i don't because whatever happens now is due to idiocy rather than people not "accepting the inconvenient truth", we can make it convenient but no one will


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somone uk said:
we live in a world where people fail to keep their phones charged so how on earth are we supposed to have battery-powered cars

We've talked about this before, but I'll say it again: the only advantage I can see for using battery-powered cars is that it lets us use rather "dirty" energy sources like coal for transportation. But is it really a good idea to do that? :dunno:

somone uk

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Bryan said:
somone uk said:
we live in a world where people fail to keep their phones charged so how on earth are we supposed to have battery-powered cars

We've talked about this before, but I'll say it again: the only advantage I can see for using battery-powered cars is that it lets us use rather "dirty" energy sources like coal for transportation. But is it really a good idea to do that? :dunno:

i can imagine that about 30-60% of our energy will be green by the time that hydrogen/battery become mainstream


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So how do you predict that our energy will become "green"?


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Not this again................... :uglylol:

Because, somone uk, at some point you are going to produce waste!

You cannot get away from this!

So stop banging on about the green issue!

There is no such thing as "green" energy at this moment in time!