Chimera's Story


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Well, this sucks - I'm 16 and a diffuse thinner. Right now, I'm probably worse than a lot of the guys here. The scalp is pretty much visible everywhere and makes my head look pretty shiny. I can't even get away with combing my hair forward anymore. When I do, it just looks like a bunch of stripes on my head with scalp in between them. My dad's side is mostly bald and he started losing his hair at around 18. Unfortunately for me, I started 3 years ahead of him. I've considered shaving my head a whole bunch of times but my family seems to have a problem with that. They think I'm too young for a shaved head or something, but it's way better than thinning. I mean, I do have the head for it. I'm not so sure myself anymore though, cause I'd have a horseshoe pattern and a shiny head anyway.

I really don't know what to do... At first I thought it was just stress, but now I can definitely see it's more than that. Most people will just lie to me and say that I've still got a lot of hair, but I can see for myself how much I'm losing. Every so often I'll get a comment or two that I could live without. I'm relatively new to this, so I'm not exactly too sure about my options. I've been thinking about the big 3, but I'm pretty scared of getting gyno and shedding. Also, I don't know anything at all about dosages.

Eventually, I'll probably just end up getting a hairpiece like my father (ugh!) or shaving everything off. I just hope I can do something to look normal by the time HM is out (and affordable).


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dont wanna use the big three due to side effects? no harm in mitigating then is there?.. why not buy revivogen, nizoral 1%, and stock up on green tea? a low dosage of minoxidil even should help with your vertex i guess.

regular (2 - 3 times a week) oil massage of the scalp should help keeping the hair you have left to an extent. olive oil? or coconut oil will help strenghthen the hair and the root and give it a thicker look. Leave it on for 2 hours then wash.

hope this helps.


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All the known finasteride´s side effects reverse when stopping the use of the drug.

Finasteride is the key of any regimen as it is a DHT formation inhibitor, without finasteride, you´ll keep progressing in male pattern baldness. (unless you use any other form of anti-DHT drugs, like topical spironolactone... check the info available)

If you decide to go on finasteride, first of all talk with a doctor, due to your age.

Move your *** and start to treat male pattern baldness, if not, you´ll regret later. And keep religiously whatever treatment you decide to use. male pattern baldness never stops if you leave it, so you have to be constant. Make your mind for that.

You are young, and things haven´t gone so far. You´ve got good chances.


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Looks like you will be bald soon, but finasteride will at leat slow things down and the sides are not too bad.
Shaving your head with a electric razor set at about 1/8" will look pissa pal. So many guys choose to have this look so I say go for it now. If you are going to be bald soon, then you mine as well get used to the shaved head look because it is a great look for anyone who is balding and cares about what people think about their balding head. I work in a very professional atmosphere and there are many people with shaved heads so there is no reason why your parents would have a problem with that look as it is universally accepted these days.
Just rememeber that there is nothing "wrong" with you. You have simply inherited a gene in which you lose these silly little hairs on your head before most others. Big deal! It is a warped society that sometimes make men (especially young men) feel like sh*t about this, so be brave and stand up against this point of view. I promise you, there are millions of chicks who would take a confident and successful bald dude over a good looking guy who offered less. Good luck