Check your blood pressure often if you are on minoxidil!


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Scouring this forum and others, I have noticed that a minority of people who have tried minoxidil have had side effects such as black eyes.

Please be greatly aware that minoxidil is a drug to lower blood pressure and the implications of lowering your blood pressure - hypotension can cause alot of trouble.


I would suggest you purchase a blood pressure monitor as well. Any side effects that are major to you - you should stop using this drug immediately.

Greater caution should be for people using greater than 5% concentration of minoxidil.

Anyway, I have been responding quite well to 5% minoxidil. During the first 3 weeks, I developed a bit of a chest pain but blood pressure seems to be fine. All unwanted symptoms have disappeared.



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My blood pressure is rather high, but I still have black circles under eyes and dizziness.

somone uk

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strange thing but about 3 years ago my very unusual dad got me a blood pressure moniter for christmas :woot:
if it's a problem it's probibly advisable to move down to 2%

on the other end of the spectrum people with hypertension can safly take better hair growth stimulants than minoxidil


Fanjeera said:
My blood pressure is rather high, but I still have black circles under eyes and dizziness.

Hello Fanjeera

take you finasteride? or dutasteride?

Dutasterid makes my Bloodpressure high
(i have dutasteride stoped)
when i take one dutasteride my Bloodpressure 105/170 Puls 105
without minoxidil!!!!

i am not sure is it minoxidil ,or have make dutasteride my Heart ill



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I quit finasteride because of the side effects and I don't want to kill myself with dutasteride.


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Information for increase blood pressure:

You are right above, hypotension [low blood pressure] can stimulate hair growth. That is why minoxidil has been successful but too low blood pressure adds side effects. Some people have natural low blood pressure and it is not really advisable to continue minoxidil if you have this. As always, see a doctor first. Check your body often [see a doctor].

As for the person with black eyes. [see a doctor]. It is not always minoxidil that will cause black eyes [black circles]. Poor circulation, such as high chloresterol can be a great indicator of a poor heart anyway. By using minoxidil, this only indicates that you have a problem with your heart before hand.

If you experience long term chest pains etc, you should stop using this drug. This is an indicator of a poor vascular system.


i had Pain in my chest

i get little air in my lungs

No minoxidil is nothing for me

more New attempt but always the same



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You are right above, hypotension [low blood pressure] can stimulate hair growth. That is why minoxidil has been successful........

Where did you hear or read this? Please post a link if you have one. I'm very curious since up until this point it's been accepted that it is unknown how minoxidil works, and I'm not sure that I've heard of a connection between low blood pressure and stimulation of hair growth.


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somone uk said:
if it's a problem it's probibly advisable to move down to 2%

Or simply use less of the 5% solution, which has the same effect.


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finfighter said:
beaner said:
Where did you hear or read this? Please post a link if you have one. I'm very curious since up until this point it's been accepted that it is unknown how minoxidil works, and I'm not sure that I've heard of a connection between low blood pressure and stimulation of hair growth.

Are you not aware that Minoxidil is a blood pressure medication?

Surely you're not assuming that just because minoxidil is a blood pressure medication AND it grows hair, that means that low blood pressure in general grows hair?? :) If so, that's a new one on me, too. I've never heard such a claim, and I doubt that there's any validity to it.


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finfighter said:
beaner said:
You are right above, hypotension [low blood pressure] can stimulate hair growth. That is why minoxidil has been successful........

Where did you hear or read this? Please post a link if you have one. I'm very curious since up until this point it's been accepted that it is unknown how minoxidil works, and I'm not sure that I've heard of a connection between low blood pressure and stimulation of hair growth.

Are you not aware that Minoxidil is a blood pressure medication? Minoxidil was originally a blood pressure medication that was deemed to unpredictable for safe use. Some people experiance heart palpataions, and unsafe drops in blood pressure from minoxidil, it seems that some people either experiance a higher rate of systematic absorption. or are simply more sencative to the drug.

Yes, I'm quite aware for what use minoxidil was originally intended. How does this prove that this has anything to do with how minoxidil grows hair or that low blood pressure stimulates hair growth? As of right now, it is unknown exactly how minoxidil works to grow hair although there are theories. That is why I asked for links to this information because this may be the first time that this "theory" has been discussed here. I'm quite sure it's incorrect.


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Anyway, nothing wrong with a little banter. The exact mechanism of how minoxidil results in hair growth is not known. But what is known is that it is an potassium channel agonist and specific to one receptor.