Castor oil causing regrowth


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Howdy All

I am a diffuse thinner and not willing to start finasteride/minoxidil for the side affects they cause so started applying castor oil on my hairline and temples daily.

I must say I am seeing regrowth of hairs around my temples and hairline but not too much. It has only been two months and I can see and feel new thick hairs bot not much.

My entire hairline is filled with small vellus hair and am unsure if castor oil is going to turn them into terminal hair. If castor oil does not work to turn them into Terminal, yet new regrowth is visible, should I continue using it ?

My major concern is those vellus hair which, if turned into Terminal hair, my hairline will be restored pretty much.

Please share your thoughts.


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two months is too short a period for any treatment to work. maybe wait and see another few months if you believe it has helped with your hair loss. Haven't seen anyone growing hair from castor oil though.


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You aren't seeing new hairs. What you're seeing are hairs that were ALREADY very new in their growth cycle. To see new hairs you would have to wait at least 4-6 or even 8 months.

Sorry to break it to you...but the ONLY way you're going to regrow hair and stop your loss is by going with finasteride/minoxidil. The sides are much MUCH less common that people on the internet would have you believe. I've been on both for over 6 years, and have yet to have any side effects


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Okay, thanks for the reply. One question on minoxidil - If I apply it only on hairline and temple area, it is not going to cause shedding on other parts of the scalp, right ?

I am not totally unwilling to try em, just want to be cautious .. I am more concerned about my hairline and temples rather than the vertex.

Thank you for the reply.


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minoxidil works an absolute treat. It usually works a little bit around the areas you apply it. Once you start, be prepared for an initial shed. In my experience, the more you shed the better responder you are. But if you're consistent with 2 x day application, look forward to a lot more hair in about 4-6 months time. Mistake i made was to get excited about the minoxidil regrowth and ignore underlying issue of DHT. Eventually DHT will catch up and you will start to lose ground. If i had my time again, i would have started finasteride straight away along with the minoxidil. If you're worried about the sides, start with a small dose of finasteride (.25mg daily) and work your way up. You need to absolutely tackle the DHT issue. At in 2013, the only approved drug that can do this is finasteride. Good luck.


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Okay, so I went to a derm and he prescribed me MORR-F solution which contains 5% minoxidil + 2% finasteride. Should I go for it ? Or should I ask him to prescribe me oral finasteride ?
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Minoxidil will eat away the fabric of your natural hair... stay off it.

Minoxidil will eat away the fabric of your natural hair... stay off it. And no you dont lose your hair dramatically if you go off it... very little maybe , but anyday I'd trade a little very negligible amount of hair for my old carefree life.


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Is your claim based on your own personal experience with minoxidil.? Perhaps you might be kind enough to provide us with link(s) from where you first cited this? Thanx for sharing.