Canada And A Dutasteride Script. . . . . .


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So I was under the impression that one couldn't get a script in Canada for dutasteride also that generic dutasteride wasn't available. As the value of the Canadian dollar fell and international shipping has become irregular I was searching for a better cheaper source. With a low dollar buying Bitcoin becomes expensive, plus 25$ shipping, waiting for shipments, and all the bullshit fake online pharmacies I thought I might give up treatment. I found this company which after some pics and info got me a script for generic dutasteride. My health coverage paid some of the bill which ended up at 14$ for a month plus script cost 70$ for a year. I'm thinking after a year it will be easier to get a script through my normal doctor but we will see. Super happy how convenient this is now. Just thought I'd share this to help out any Canucks.
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