Can you help


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Hi, Im 29 and suffer extensive hair loss around my forhead region. I also have a smallish bald spot or so my GF tells me. I started going bald around 24. Been thinking about getting a transplant for a while now but the prices quoted are ridiculous and I always chickened out at the thought of surgery.

Im getting married in december abd dont want to be the bald guy in the wedding pics, grin. I recently heared about a new clinic in scotland offering cheap hair transplant in exchange for training staff. The doctors are trained plastic surgeons apparently. Anyone tried them yet ? I have an appointment with them in a few days. :!:


Run don't walk from their office. If you got hair transplant work today, it won't
be any good for at least 1 year. Never go with an unknown.

hair transplants are for life good or bad.

The majority of guys regret their hair transplant work 5 years down the line. The odds
are against you with the best surgeons. They are only worse with an unknown.

You'll look even worse at wedding time. Use topic for your wedding.
It's not permanent and you can try it before hand with no lasting effects.


New Member
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Are you sure ? I have two friends who have had strip fhu transplants and they are quite happy with the results ? Have you tried hair transplant your self ? Who from ?


No I have not. But I know a lot of guys who did.

Most guys after 5 years or earlier really regret it.

Your friends are either in the minority or not at the 5 year mark.

hair transplant work will not stop your hair loss. If your hair loss has stopped
and you have enough donor hair then choose the best doctor you can
and go for it.

Make sure you see some of the doctors other patients who are done with
their hair transplant work first. Get their opinion.

Then ask to talk to some of their unhappy customers. All hair transplant doctors have
them. If they say they don't have any run for the door.

Some guys are really happy with their hair transplant work.

Good luck.


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u need to research more. u wont be able to see the intended results by dec. from either fue or strip.


Senior Member
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Dude. Don't do it, at least not with them. You don't want to gamble on something like that. Just due a search on botched hair transplants on the net. hair transplant's are not for the poor. A good hair transplant probably cost about the same as a decent car. One procedure is almost never enough either. Honestly, I'd rather be the bald guy in the wedding pics rather than the bald guy with a botched hair transplant in the wedding pics anyday. What about Propecia. Get on the big three finasteride, Min, nizoral. If all else fails then there's hair transplant.


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I would say go for a Hair Transplant - Ive had 2 on my front hairline and no my hairline is not receding at all. If later on the hair behind it starts thinning - Ill just get another one. minoxidil/ and all those never really work on growing in the front hairline. But do not go to this office in Scotland - look on this pages for experienced - they can do so much now with hair transplants .