Can you get away with using .02mg of finesteride?


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Ok so I found this on wikipedia but doe it apply?, can you get away with using the medicines in smaller amounts?

Possible health concerns

The UC Berkeley Wellness Letter expressed concern in March 2003 about the unproven long-term safety of Propecia and recommended cutting a standard 1-milligram dose of Propecia into quarters to reduce the cost without reducing its effectiveness. This claim appears to be supported by clinical pharmacological data reviewed by the FDA during Propecia's approval process that suggested that the advantage of taking 1 mg per day over 0.2 mg per day is statistically small.[16] Some people have unsuccessfully petitioned the FDA to re-examine the approved dosage in light of the statistical evidence and unknown long-term risks.[17] The FDA responded and said that just because the level of DHT found in the scalp was not significantly different does not mean there is a correlation with hair loss. A study would have to show that the benefits of using 0.2 mg and 1 mg were not statistically different. According to the FDA, such a study has been performed, and a 1 mg dose has a greater benefit whilst remaining equally safe. The same study also concluded that doses of 0.01 mg per day were found to be ineffective in treating hair loss.[17]


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0.02mg will probably not lower local DHT levels by much. It might be as effective as topical spironolactone.


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People keep citing this study when debating for lower doses of finasteride.
.02mg will, as the study demonstrates, reduce DHT significantly in both the serum and the skin, but another study by Merck showed that even though this was the case, 1mg still had better results for hair growth than the other research groups (.5, .25 .2 and .02). 5mg did not give any greater results than 1mg, so they concluded that 1mg was the optimal dose for hair loss.