Can Testosterone Ruin temples?


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I've seen a few people saying that finasteride worked for them perfectly for everything but the temples, and made them recede.

The theory many got to is that temple hair actually is more affected by testosterone than by DHT and because finasteride increases testosterone, they lose hair around the temples but keep the rest.

For those of you who are or were on finasteride alone. How true would you say this is in your experience?


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I am also under the impression that people that start finasteride have either already lost the temples and see no difference or start finasteride and minoxidil at the same time and see regrowth. There's also many "propecia ruined my hairline" stories where people started early and only took propecia. This also makes sense since in puberty you lose hair in the front (getting a mature hairline) the same time your body starts producing more testosterone. Even the people that do not suffer male pattern baldness go through this.

Yes, I'm 90% sure that it is just bro science, but I'd like to hear more experiences on this just to put my mind at ease. Did you lose your temple hair on propecia?


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I am also under the impression that people that start finasteride have either already lost the temples and see no difference or start finasteride and minoxidil at the same time and see regrowth. There's also many "propecia ruined my hairline" stories where people started early and only took propecia. This also makes sense since in puberty you lose hair in the front (getting a mature hairline) the same time your body starts producing more testosterone. Even the people that do not suffer male pattern baldness go through this.

Yes, I'm 90% sure that it is just bro science, but I'd like to hear more experiences on this just to put my mind at ease. Did you lose your temple hair on propecia?

Don't believe in a "mature hairline" It is still hair loss and looks like crap, You also can't do certain styles anymore. People would say I have a mature hairline because it isn't bad and hasn't moved since I started receding at 17 i am now 19. But I still have male pattern baldness because of thinning on top and weak hairline.


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I still think T does damage hair, but I agree there is no evidence that T does more at temples or anything like that. Both DHT and T are androgens so I mean T is converted to DHT so its hard to say one hurts hair and one doesnt. Its possible though


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There was one study - please forgive me, I can't find it right now - stating that T and DHT have the same effects, but that DHT is approximately 7x stronger than T. They can dock to the same receptors, but the response DHT triggers is 7x stronger compared to T.


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I thought any androgen can effect the hair, except that DHT had the strongest effect, no? Isn't that why body builder will lose hair like crazy on Test or trenbolone, Anabolan or DHT derivative?


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Yes DHT has like 10 times the affinity for the androgen receptors than T. Both are androgens seems logical T could also bind to those and cause male pattern baldness to some degree. So DHT is much stronger than T and why everyone targets it over T.
I still believe someone that took dutasteride and took steroids to boost T would still go bald faster even if they almost stopped DHT with the dutasteride. You dont want higher free T if you value hair.