Can I Make Topical finasteride With finasteride Tabs and Minoxidil??


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I have a full bottle of Minoxidil 5% liquid and 30+ tabs of Finasteride 5mg, can I just crush 4 or 5 of the tabs into the Minoxidil? Please note that I am currently taking dutasteride/Avodart 0.5mg orally once a day and I'm worried topical finasteride may interfere with the effectiveness of the dutasteride. (have a look at my current regime) Please share, all advice is appreciated! thank you :)

My current regime: dutasteride/Avodart 0.5mg, Rogaine 5%, Revivogen Shampoo + Conditioner, spironolactone/S5 Cream 5% and Nizoral 2%


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Should I take anything out? I'm doing the "big 3" dutasteride for dht in the body, nizoral for sebum and oily scalp and Rogaine for regrowth. I've added spironolactone to rid any dht on the scalp and Revivogen because I didn't have a shampoo or conditioner... I'm still new to hair loss so any advice from a well respected mod would be appreciated :)

I will stay away from the topical finasteride.


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hey hey,

just out of interest, how is dutasteride working for you? any side effects? as im thinking of move from finasteride to dutasteride


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I made the switch to dutasteride after one year on finasteride. You should give finasteride one year to work and not go off before that (unless sides are bothering you, quit!), who knows finasteride may be all you need. Chances are if finasteride sides are bothering you dutasteride will be increasingly worse for you. Now if you have been on finasteride for one year and maintained hair and bared any sides then you can make the personal decision to switch to dutasteride. As for myself, I have been on dutasteride for one month and I can tell you that it is much stronger then finasteride, so far I have had a shed starting after the first week (I never noticed a shed with finasteride), also noticed within the first week mood swings (anger/sadness/happiness), I also felt more alert and had this "on top of the world feeling". I know that sounds bad but this all went away after one week and I'm no longer experiencing mood swings, I feel the way I felt before I started dutasteride although my testosterone is a bit high (Test is known to cause hairloss, I combat this with spironolactone aka S5 Cream topical applied to the hairline). After one month on dutasteride things are starting to look good, I can see my hairline from 3-4 years ago starting to creep in (short un-pigmented hairs, some thin dark hairs around the hairline, results aren't suppose to be seen for 6-12 months, I'm impressed). The shed hairs are coming back thicker/stronger and filling in. Remember that shedding is a good sign and good responders usually lose the most hair in the beginning and I have lost quite a bit. All in all I am glad I made the switch and I will not be returning to finasteride. (Please try finasteride for one year, and remember what works for me may not work for you) I want to share my experience with you so that you are informed well. Feel free to ask me any questions, I will be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Also you can PM me if you like and I will keep you updated.


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Mr_Reeses said:

I made the switch to dutasteride after one year on finasteride. You should give finasteride one year to work and not go off before that (unless sides are bothering you, quit!), who knows finasteride may be all you need. Chances are if finasteride sides are bothering you dutasteride will be increasingly worse for you. Now if you have been on finasteride for one year and maintained hair and bared any sides then you can make the personal decision to switch to dutasteride. As for myself, I have been on dutasteride for one month and I can tell you that it is much stronger then finasteride, so far I have had a shed starting after the first week (I never noticed a shed with finasteride), also noticed within the first week mood swings (anger/sadness/happiness), I also felt more alert and had this "on top of the world feeling". I know that sounds bad but this all went away after one week and I'm no longer experiencing mood swings, I feel the way I felt before I started dutasteride although my testosterone is a bit high (Test is known to cause hairloss, I combat this with spironolactone aka S5 Cream topical applied to the hairline). After one month on dutasteride things are starting to look good, I can see my hairline from 3-4 years ago starting to creep in (short un-pigmented hairs, some thin dark hairs around the hairline, results aren't suppose to be seen for 6-12 months, I'm impressed). The shed hairs are coming back thicker/stronger and filling in. Remember that shedding is a good sign and good responders usually lose the most hair in the beginning and I have lost quite a bit. All in all I am glad I made the switch and I will not be returning to finasteride. (Please try finasteride for one year, and remember what works for me may not work for you) I want to share my experience with you so that you are informed well. Feel free to ask me any questions, I will be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Also you can PM me if you like and I will keep you updated.

thanks for the reply,

here is my story along with pictures


I am considering revivogen and dutasteride 0.5

have a read through my story and let me know what you think.... As mentioned I have been on finasteride for 5.5 years.

cheers dude! :)