Calling All Minoxidil Experts...


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When I took Lewenbergs formula his method was to apply it 4x a day for up to 2yrs. Does anyone know the reasoning behind this? Would it be beneficial to apply Xandrox 5% or minoxidil 5% more than twice a day?

It is like applying 6ml a day. I thought minoxidil reached a certain saturation point and further applications did nothing. It just makes no sense but there must be a reason why he wanted 4 applications a day, every 5 hours for maximum effectiveness. he always stated that his studies show maximum effectiveness was achieved every 5 hours. If this is bullshit how come no one has ever called him on this?

If we try this with 5% minoxidil maybe it will be twice as effective. All opinions on this matter are welcome. :freaked:


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Lewenberg is a dumbass! He charges so much for his minoxidil, and says that the topical must go on the hair, not the scalp.


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the reason lewenberg wants people to apply it that much is because it makes you use that much more ,and that = more money in his pocket.Dr .lee says at his website applying the 5% xandrox more than twice a day would produce minimal benefits.


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The reason for this may be that minoxidil 2%(not just lewenberg's) has been found to be as effective as minoxidil 5% 2x/day application when the 2% is applied several times throughout the day.......But on the otherhand, the minoxidil 2% 2x/day, when combined w/retinoic acid, has been found to be as effective as the 5% 2x/day.......So in conclusion, number of applications should be irrelevant in terms of the effectiveness of the lewenberg 2%, and there is absolutely no motivation behind lewenberg's prescription for use besides an increased profit-making scheme. :shock:


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I agree with different parts of what the rest of you have said:

Lewenberg's main motivation is probably just to sell more of his pricey formula. However, it's quite possible that there's a certain element of truth to what he's saying (an ACCIDENTAL element of truth? :wink: ), because if his formula is basically similar to the 2% version of Rogaine, then using more than just the traditional two applications per day probably WOULD bring you a bit closer to the point where you completely saturate your skin/scalp with minoxidil.

Another vague possibility is that an increased dose of the Retin-A can provide some extra benefit, not the increased amount of minoxidil per se. Of course, Retin-A can be a two-edged sword and possibly cause more HARM than GOOD, if you're not careful...




I would assume that more you put the more clogged your scalp would be. It would be overkill. Plus only a certain amount can be completly saturated. Just one use of 1ml minoxidil for me I will have residue cause its 2 much. So i only use Half a ml.


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minoxidil needs up to 8 hours to fully absorbs.
Basically putting an application every 8 hours could be beneficial, but anything above that is just waist of money and time.


HairFreak said:
minoxidil needs up to 8 hours to fully absorbs.
Basically putting an application every 8 hours could be beneficial, but anything above that is just waist of money and time.

an 8 hour absorbtion time would mean 3 applications a day would be optimum??



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Lewenberg states that it takes 1 hour for his formula to absorb totaly. 15 minutes for it to abosorb 75%. I think the multiple apps was to use more product but also to active the so called DHT reducing properties in the Retin A.

If 2% minoxidil with retin A is as good as 5% minoxidil why use 5% minoxidil at all and wouldnt the 2% with Retin A be better for those who could not tolerate the 5%.

We have not answered the question yet. I think it still may be possible to achieve greater benefit by applying minoxidil every 5 hours, unless someone can post an argument to the contrary.

I highly doubt that it takes 8 hours for minoxidil to absorb. I want a solid answer from Dr. Lee. I heard it takes 1 hour max to fully absorb.


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I have read a research that states this.
I dont remember everything for sure, but I can say with 100% confideence that I remember one part. And that is that it takes 4 hrs for Minoxdil to absorps 75%.

BTW, try putting retin-a on your scalp that often.
You'll see what will happen!!!


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minoxidil takes about 4 hours to fully absorb. i learned this from mistakenly assuming that is was fully absorbed in 1 hour.


bombscience said:
minoxidil takes about 4 hours to fully absorb. i learned this from mistakenly assuming that is was fully absorbed in 1 hour.

so does that mean you don't want to be taking a shower/bath untill 4 hours have elapsed?



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tynanW said:
bombscience said:
minoxidil takes about 4 hours to fully absorb. i learned this from mistakenly assuming that is was fully absorbed in 1 hour.

so does that mean you don't want to be taking a shower/bath untill 4 hours have elapsed?


I usually try to not shower for a good 3-4 hours after I've applied minoxidil. Dr. Lee has been quoted saying that after 1 hour a "sufficient" amount of minoxidil will be absorbed. Most of the minoxidil (over 50%) is absorbed within the first hour. The rest is spread across the remaining 3.

Thinning Sucks

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What about what I have to do...apply minoxidil, wait ten minutes, then apply couvre all over scalp with an applicator sponge. I assume the minoxidil mixes with the couvre. Hope it does not just absorb into the applicator.