caffeine and globulin/free testosterone/dht pubmed...

michael barry

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12 ... t=Abstract

Let me translate that for ya' tea caffeine increases globulin, the sex-binding hormone that carries testosterone around your body in a "bound" form so it cant be turned into DHT by alpha five enzymes. If you have alot of globulin, youve bound more of your testosterone, thus much lower DHT. ... sSHBG.html -------------------------------I think the particularily interesting info on that page is the info that those of Asian decent in America have baldness/prostate/and other androgen related disorders at almost as high a level as native-born Americans do. So we can pretty much assert that a diet high in soy isoflavoens and a green tea catechins lessen the amount of T and DHT your follicles will see.

I'd like to make something clear too.................DHT is DHT. We know that since dutasteride works better than propecia that type-2 manufactured DHT is bad for your hair. Its made in the sebocytes of the skin and sebaceous glands, right near the hair follicle. So lets say you take finasteride, but eat a high fat, high glycemic index diet which lowers your globulin levels way down. You have alot of free unbound testosterone. Youre type 1 alpha reductase enzymes in your sebaceous glands and sebocytes convert MUCH more free testosterone than they normally would (because the type 2 alpha five reductase enzyme in the outer root sheat of your hair follicle is locked up by finasteride). There is now still a bunch of excess DHT hanging around very close to your hair follicle roots. Alot of sebum that builds up on your scalp has DHT in it, and can be reabsorbed back into your scalp for a fresh attack on your follicles. See where Im goin with this boys? You'd do well to keep globulin levels up.


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I drink a cup of hot Green Tea (190mg of flavinoid antioxidants) every morning with my Avodart-- on an empty stomach.

I'm certain that green tea has helped me in many ways.


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what about just normal caffiene? it has to be green tea?

very interesting stuff by the way