Business question regarding Rogaine and generic equivalent


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For sake of argument, let's say that Rogaine (the brand name) and generic minoxidil are indeed manufactured and sold by the same company. Then wouldn't there be reason to believe that less "quality" would go into the generic bottles, since those bottles rake in less profit?

Personally, I choose to use Rogaine rather than the generic stuff based on this idea alone. I'll be paying for peace of mind, which I think is well worth the extra $10.


Re: Business question regarding Rogaine and generic equivale

elguapo said:
For sake of argument, let's say that Rogaine (the brand name) and generic minoxidil are indeed manufactured and sold by the same company. Then wouldn't there be reason to believe that less "quality" would go into the generic bottles, since those bottles rake in less profit?

Personally, I choose to use Rogaine rather than the generic stuff based on this idea alone. I'll be paying for peace of mind, which I think is well worth the extra $10.

No need to change the formula, it probably costs 0.0003 pence a gallon anyway, you answer your own question with I'll be paying for peace of mind, which I think is well worth the extra $10


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Well think about it like this......i dont care what you buy......the generic is never better then the original.


blue said:
Well think about it like this......i dont care what you buy......the generic is never better then the original.

true...often the same...never better


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Here's the reason why Pfizer manufacturers both Rogaine and generic minoxidil. First, both formulations are exactly the same. There is no business reason for Pfizer to alter the formulation for their Kirkland brand. Pfizer's thinking is that either they or someone else will come out with generic minoxidil and control that retail shelf space. If a generic brand is going to cut into the sales of minoxidil, it might as well be Pfizer selling it than someone else selling it. Pfizer makes a profit from either sale.

This is honestly simple business 101. Either you control the shelf space, or someone else will.


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I agree. But my question was whether or not Pfizer would not put the same effort toward ensuring that the generic stuff was of quality, since it is cheaper than the brand name Rogaine.

But then I thought about it more last night. First of all, if they made it the same price as Rogaine, then that would still give some other company to come up with cheaper stuff, and win more sales. And also, it probably costs more to change the process of making the stuff, so the generic minoxidil is probably just as good as Rogaine.