burning scalp


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Im not currently on any treatment but over the last 3 months my hair has got a lot thinner all of a sudden.Sometimes i experience dont know how to describe it its like a burning sensation on my scalp i dont have it all the time it comes and goes is this normal?


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Hi Cassin :D
No i havent tried T/gel ive just been using my regular shampoo (head and shoulders)and i dont dye my hair or use any sort of chemicals on it.But esp over the last 3 months the top of my head has got thin and from time to time i get a heat like sensation and some itching even my hairdresser has commented how thin its got recently.Could it be stress related as i lost my mum in february and been under a lot of stress since then.If it is stress related will it grow back.


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i had a very similar problem to yours until a week ago.. i started using head and shoulders dry scalp... (it has like a sea-green teardrop logo on it) this shampoo is very affordable.

it's working very well for me... very few flakes and the itch is gone.. either that or it's cuz i stopped using minoxidil.

t-gel is okay... but the smell and the lather sucks especially if you have longer hair.

try that version of head and shoulders. good luck

and yes if it is stress related it should grow back within a few months... maybe its the cold weather... my scalp was even worse when the weather got cold.. that is until i used that shampoo.

Bone Daddy

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I have that exact same problem too, im going to try and moisturise my scalp.

Not sure I need H&S though, I've heard that makes you shed more?

Bone Daddy

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eh, how about tons of people on this very site? There was a huge thread that deaner started on H&S and it's possible shed-enducing ways. Well actually Deaner likes it, but everyone else said shed-shed-shed. There has also been numerous mentions in other threads.

Keep up man. :wink:


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i stopped reading that post cause it was really leading off topic, like into homophobia issues.


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Head and Shoulders will not cause you to shed more, if anything it will help you with regrowth by keeping a clean scap.

Bone Daddy

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well I need something for this light itching and burning sensation, I've been off nizoral for only 2 days I know but the top of my crown and certain parts of my front feel like I have icy hot on them.

I have a feeling that's why I'm losing my hair anyway, whenever this sh*t kicks up, if I scratch or tug in the area where it hurts and its warm, hairs come out in multiples..

I first noticed hairloss back 4 months ago when my head would not stop itching and burning, so Id scratch and gouge my head until my fingernails were literally filled with skin, it was insane. It was shortly later I noticed my hair thinning..

aargh what to do, what to do.

I'm postive finasteride is working, thats the only + in my situation.


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Bone Daddy said:
eh, how about tons of people on this very site? There was a huge thread that deaner started on H&S and it's possible shed-enducing ways. Well actually Deaner likes it, but everyone else said shed-shed-shed. There has also been numerous mentions in other threads.

Keep up man. :wink:

Bone Daddy, here's an e-mail response I received from Dr. Lee about 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo (Head & Shoulders):

Dear Dr. Lee,

I have a few questions regarding the use of 1%
pyrithione zinc shampoo.

I have read several studies that show users of 1%
pyrithione zinc shampoo had a slightly higher
percentage of hairs in the anagen phase than those
using ketoconazole shampoo.

My question is, would it be beneficial to alternate
pyrithione zinc and ketoconazole? For example, using
ketoconazole 2-3 days a week and using pyrithione zinc
on the other days.

"That's a good idea.  Ketoconazole and pyrithione zinc work in different ways to treat male pattern baldness, so using both shampoos should have additive benefits.  Besides, the 2% ketoconazole shampoo shouldn't be used on a daily basis anyway."

Also, what is your opinion on using pyrithione zinc
while using minoxidil or Xandrox, and can the rotation
of pyrithione zinc and ketoconazole help relieve the
itching sometimes associated with finasteride use?

"Although the study showed "No advantage was seen in using both the 5% minoxidil topical solution and the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo", there is no contraindication to the concomitant use of pyrithione zinc and minoxidil/Xandrox.  It's important to note that "The benefit of the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo used alone tended (P < 0·1) to be apparent only to the investigator."

As for 'itching associated with finasteride use', it's a rather a rare event and is associated with its side effect rather than being a direct effect of finasteride.  You may have some relief of the itching from the use of a pyrithione zinc shampoo."

I have provided some links below:

http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/ ... 435.x/abs/

http://www.dermatologytimes.com/dermato ... p?id=18433
Thanks.  They're very interesting and credible reports.

Richard Lee, M.D.

I also had my own homo-erotic H & S thread:

http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... hp?t=12586


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I used some T/GEL and by the time i finished i shedded loads ive gone from fairly thick hair to fine and thin in less than 3 months im getting worried sick about it.After when xmas is out of the way i think i might make an appointment with my doctor because surely it cant be normal to shed this ammount of hair in just 3 months.


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I have to go and get tests done now for Diabetes and thyroid he said it sounds like Diabetes :cry:

The Gardener

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Giggsy, hey, long time no hear, how was your trip to the States? I hope it went well and you had fun.


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Hey Mate

Yeah I was there for the first time and loved it. People were really friendly and the country is just a great place to be.

I am back online now. Hair situation is very positive for me. Have been successful in my simple regimen and life is good at the moment.

Hope you are doing well too..


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Got my results back and its diabetes.Got an appointment with the doctor now to discuss whats what.But does anybody know would the diabetes cause my hair to thin and when im on medication for my diabetes will it grow back.