Bought Rogain yesterday. Here's hoping things get better.


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So I bought Rogaine and started applying it to my crown and temples. Rogaine is meant for the crown but it works anywhere you put it (I've read about this and it is common sense really).

I still have a lot of shedding and I know that it is not going to stop soon. Diffuse thinning all over. I have a very sensitive scalp too (I get dandruff and itchiness very easily) so I am praying that that is not going to work against me. I'm going to look into getting some finasteride online. I guess I'll be cutting the pills into fourths as I've been reading that others have been doing that.

I'm going to start eating properly, work out and spend less time stressing. I'm taking biotin pills in the morning and centrium after my dinner. I'm also going to make it a habit of sleeping on my side so as not to be too much pressure on my crown area. Most importantly, I'm going to pray every night that I see positive results soon.

So this is how I'm doing this. Here's hoping things go well.