Black eye rings


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I started using minoxidil 4 days ago and today i started noticing black eye rings (not much but noticable more then before) under my eye. I apply minoxidil in the morning and just before going to sleep. I think it is possible that same of minoxidil get on my pillow and then absorb in the skin under eyes. I wonder if I buy a foam (i am using topical solution) and wash my hair maybe before going to sleep will help me prevent from this side effect? Or what could I do, I really dont want to stop using minoxidil? Maybe apply once a day? I am using spironolactone and nizoral too.


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give it time, i am also using minoxidil and i dont think after only 4 days u ll get those dark circles, wait a month maybe, and as far as the pillow thing goes i really dont think its true, but if you want to be on the safer side use foam @night and liquid @morning, u can save some $$ this way. best of luck.

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oh and btw how did spironolactone work out for you? i am thinking of adding it to the regime.


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I am using spironolactone only for a few weeks, so for now, there is no any results.. Anyway I will try apply minoxidil from now on only once a day. I feel chest tightness too, not strong, could be only my imagination, but i think that ive got another side effect besides of wrinkles. I got this about 7 8 hours after applying minoxidil. The one thing that suprises me is lower puls rate, but minoxidil should increase puls rate right? maybe i am just paying too much attention to details, i really dont know:/


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If you already get the eye rings and wrinkles right now, reduce the dosage immediately. I got those side effects too, and even after being off of minoxidil right now for more than three months, they still persist. Some people reported that these sides can become permanent, so be careful. My wrinkles are pretty bad, though they have gotten better a tiny bit since I dropped minoxidil.


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On a side note, actual wrinkles don't magically reverse with time.
Oh man, I'm really sick of your bullsh*t. There are so many known occasions where wrinkles just disappear, e.g. when people from countries with a lot of sun radiation move north, or - surprise - when using a derma roller.

And guess what - I notice wrinkles vanishing, and many people that got those side effects on minoxidil also had their wrinkles subside. But hey, we are probably just liars in a huge conspiracy or something :D

Can you please stop spreading bullsh*t? Pretty please?


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thank you all for replying. i have just one more question. I wash my hair every third day with nizoral, but what shampoo would be best in other two days? or what kind of a shampoo?


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i too noticed black rings BUT at the same time i was also feeling sad, stressed, tired from running around to settle things. and my skin was irritated by using a liz earle moisturiser so i cannot use my anti aging creams. minoxidil may or may not have been the culprit.


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Took it for a month and dropped it as soon as these sides crept up but a bit of damage was done.

Waste of loss makes you look old but bags and wrinkles make you look older.


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Fred, you are completely pathetic. First you claim that there is no scientific proof or studies showing that minoxidil can lead to wrinkles. I named them by now in several threads - all of which you never replied to after that. You claim to "trust in science", but I never got a reply to you to the following question:
If minoxidil has been (a) shown to inhibit collagen, and this is its primary mode of action on the scalp's fibrotic collagen in Androgenetic Alopecia, then if (b) minoxidil spreads to the face - due to whatever reasons, e.g. bloodstream - shouldnt it lead to the exact same effect there, i.e., collagen inhibition? As everyone knows, collagen is what keeps the facial skin elastic and wrinkle-free.
So, answer that question, instead of pretending in every fuc*ing thread on minoxidil that you dont know about it.

Now, more and more people confirm this effect - and your reply is "ha, of course, the scaremongers' doing"? You are a joke, Fred. Not wanting to admit that you're wrong is one of the worst character traits.

But hey - give me a reasonable reply to that question from above. Would be very interesting.

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Think about it SDK, a 5% solution you put onto your scalp once a day for only a month doing "damage"?!
You don't even have a basic understanding of anything. How about you apply a 5% cyanide solution once a day for only a month and see what happens? Also wanna claim that cant do any "damage"?


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Fred I can tell you minoxidil does cause the black bags under your eyes quick, I have tried it before 2x a day and it looked like I had 2 black eyes, now I do it every other day and will still see them the next morning, I started dermarolling and applied it right after and holy crap within 2 hrs I had black circles so I will wait 12-24 hrs now, everyone responds different, I cant take propecia, I tried it twice and both times I got bad sides, I am one of the unfortunate ones I guess. I guess I am a scaremonger but I have seen the effects personally so I think I can say you are wrong about it in general, I do think its a small part of the population on rogain but much higher on propecia than the studies say. If it works for you great but don't insult those that cant tolerate it


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The problem with scaremongers is that as a result, often people won't even try these treatments. Everyone should be aware of possible side effects. But everyone should at least give it a try, maybe they won't get sides, but if they do they can quit. There's no (long term) harm in giving it a go for a month or two.