Beware Clive Clinics


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Well done Gigsy, you may not have got a full refund but the fact that you received any money at all probably ment that these bastards were at least worried by your threat.

Just about the best outcome would be for people, who were considering spending thousands of dollars with these cowboys, to see this thread and reconsider., how is the legal case against your ex-girlfriend going?


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Radio said:, how is the legal case against your ex-girlfriend going?
I never dated this person!


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HairlossTalk said:
Radio said:, how is the legal case against your ex-girlfriend going?
I never dated this person!

Tell it to the judge.


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You liar I saw you walking about with's then girlfriend in 2003 :wink:


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Re: Clive Clinics

hair4now said:
kiwi1973 said:
I wonder what happed to Giggsy and his fight against clive clinics?

Yep I'd like to know as well - although I wouldn't be surprised if nothing much came of it - these companies have a way of getting away with ripping off people. Good to hear some input from a fellow Kiwi - hows life in London?


life in London can be sumed up as thre 3B's, Blair Bombers and Bird flu


I am moving back to NZ after 7 years, cant wait to get home
can you recomened any cheap places to get the big 3 in new zealand?
I know that a lot of websites wont ship to NZ due to customs seizures


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Clive Clinics

Londons that good huh Kiwi ? Can't believe Blair got back in as well as Bush in the States & Howard in oz - better off with a Female PM.
Yep - I've been finding it difficult to find places that will ship stuff to NZ - I've just put in an order from - they've accepted it so hopefully it'll turn up. Get this - I found a site called - the're based in Vanuatu of all places and display their prices in NZ dollars, they sell the lot at resonable prices but won't ship to NZ.
I think if the product comes from the States, UK or Australia then customs are usually ok with it.


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London's not that bad really its just time to head home
i know of a couple of sites that will ship to NZ, weather or not customs will let it get to you is another matter and
I have used and they are legit but it took about a month to get to me in london

got to agree with ya Clark is not to bad as PM


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Kiwi can you not stock up while your still in the UK and take them over with you. Im sure you can get a years supply of rogaine and propecia into a pretty small space. nizoral must be available in NZ chemists?


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trentender said:
Kiwi can you not stock up while your still in the UK and take them over with you. Im sure you can get a years supply of rogaine and propecia into a pretty small space.

If you put them in a condom, you can swallow them.


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Radio said:
trentender said:
Kiwi can you not stock up while your still in the UK and take them over with you. Im sure you can get a years supply of rogaine and propecia into a pretty small space.

If you put them in a condom, you can swallow them.

Or insert them somewhere dark.


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Not for me

I to worried about my hair loss and went to Clive Clinics for a 45 minute consultation in Auckland. I got the full hard sell on why they were better than other products and why I needed the full 8 mth treatment at NZ $2700. A lot of the things he said or did did not make sense to me starting at the top he spent all of 30 seconds looking at my hair !!!, he dragged out all theses before and after pictures and I asked “were theses people in NZ ??†no they were not !!!,â€can you show me some NZ pictures ??†no they could not ‘were theses people in Australia??, No they were not ,I got the story how great his hair is now after having a lair loss problem and using CHC treatment…†so can you show me a picture of yourself before ???†no I cannot !!! Give me a break CHC if it works so well at least have pictures of yourself and of other Kiwi men!!!.
Next he wiped out the snips and this we card offering to start the Hair mineral Analysis …I told him is it not a waste of time doing only 1 at the start as ANY analysis has to have a before and after later on in the treatment to see if the treatment you are applying is actually working !! ,this is high school stuff !!.
I know for a fact theses can be done it NZ (Wellington ) for a fraction of the cost of $ 350 CHC charge.
Now what about the claim “ProAnagen after 2 X 180 treatments at $186 will stop my genetic message getting to the root of my hair FOR EVER !!!!,if that is the case why is every mail not taking it from the age of 20 on !!!.

Clinic visits @ $400 for 16 !!!,I told them it was unacceptable that I would need to come back 16 times and I was a very busy person work wise. answer “some of theses visits would only take two minutes !!!! for $400 worth !!!
Straight away I said you have the mineral and visits @ $750 that are a waste of time and I do not need them .
I could not believe after 30 seconds of looking at my hair he knew I needed the standard treatment every one else gets !! come on we are all different CHC !!.

Another thing I asked what sort of guarantee do you offer ??,if it does not work you get $1300 back from your $2700 out lay !!Come on CHC if it does not work how about the full amount back ??,why should they still make $1400 and I get nothing ??,I thought the NZ consumer act says if products do not do what they are sold to do then you are ENTITLED to a 100 % of your money back !!..yes it DOES say that CHC.

OK my 45 minute visit came to 26 minutes and I was out the door knowing CHC might have products that work but they come at a HUGE mark up in price with lots of extras you do not need and CHC is not for me .I have not got a 3 mth course over the net foe $USA 80 that will do the same thing.


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there products dont work, they are not worth your time and money


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i went clive clinics in auckland, where i live. and they basicly said it can be cured in 4 months, because im a student i cant afford it, but i purchased 160 dollars worth of stuff like the proanagen, tanakal hair spray and the shampoos and pre shampp and rise, its only been a week and i dont know what to expect so ill try it out for two months and let u guys know. but im 20 losing my hair. and pretty much losing any self confidence and self esteem i have. if anyone knows of any product that works. please i beg of u to let me know. i would try propecia, but thers been to many cases with penile dysfuction. stuff like that scares a 20 year old dude lol


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Hey guys. I have been signed up to the Clive Clinic program now for little over 6 months, with absolutely no sign of my hairloss getting any better. Infact it has worsened drastically. Initially when I spoke to the woman I felt a little hurried to sign up (initial 300 start up and then 155 every fortnight!) but I did so anyway because I was desperate - I was also guaranteed that I wouldn't lose any more hair, which so far has been complete and total bullshit. Now my hair is at the stage where I feel like if I don't do something drastic and keep with this program that for sure i'll be bald by the time i'm 25. Unfortunately it's only now that I have really started to read about what fucken scams these places are. As of today i've decided not to go back there again and throw away all their useless products.. Maybe I should look into Propecia. An expensive lesson learnt.


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Err, yeah if you've revived this thread you've probably already realised these guys are scam-artists.

Cease all treatment from these guys, do your research on finasteride and you will find it costs next-to-nothing and can stop your hairloss now... whereas these scammers won't help you one bit.

Thanks for bumping this thread though, it's a good read and it still makes me angry there are shameless scammers like this still around.

Head over to the success stories part of this forum and see what can be done with inexpensive proven treatments, finasteride and minoxidil.

Good luck.

Shabila Shaheen

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I just wonder every one who is saying CHC stuff doesn’t work, did they follow the whole process. Most important step is MASSAGING YOUR SCALP EVERYDAY. I am big in hair loss journey, ai had PrP for 2.5 year beautiful result but not lasting has to be on going, then comes in minoxidil and activance hair spray, not just that microneedling and hair oil massaging. I didn’t stop here, then laser hair growth and hair multivitamin. But recently due to tremendous stress level I started losing a lot of hair and got a big bald spot now today went to CHC and sign up there. Bit heart broken after reading these comments.


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I just wonder every one who is saying CHC stuff doesn’t work, did they follow the whole process. Most important step is MASSAGING YOUR SCALP EVERYDAY. I am big in hair loss journey, ai had PrP for 2.5 year beautiful result but not lasting has to be on going, then comes in minoxidil and activance hair spray, not just that microneedling and hair oil massaging. I didn’t stop here, then laser hair growth and hair multivitamin. But recently due to tremendous stress level I started losing a lot of hair and got a big bald spot now today went to CHC and sign up there. Bit heart broken after reading these comments.
Got back to bed ya scamming clown :D