Been on minoxidil for a month and what's with this shed? Uggggghhhh

Schitz Popinov

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Hey guys.

So I finally decided to give minoxidil a shot and bought the 5% foam from Costco a month ago (not currently using anything else though). Initially I noticed my hair was a little more vibrant, but yeeeesh all of the sudden a massive shed hit. I was already a diffuse thinner with receding hairline to begin with, but man this stuff really did a number on my head.

The worst is up near my right temple (front vertex?), as all of the sudden the coverage is hanging on for dear life. I could barely sleep last night worrying about this. Anyone have any suggestions to calm me down? Is this part of the minoxidil process?

I was also curious about something else. I always use a volumizing mouse and some hair spray when I style my hair. I would rub the minoxidil in first and let dry. Then I would wet the hair a little again, put the mouse in, and then give it some hair spray before blowing drying it out. I swear if I don't use hair spray the hair (particularly in the middle of my scalp) is unmanageable ..... just wispy and lifeless.

Could those things hitting my scalp cause complications with the minoxidil?