bball1342's story - (age 17)


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Well I am 17, and unfortunatly do not have the best genetics when it comes to my hair. When I was 15 my hairline was fine, but started getting worse at 16. I notice when I showers and shampoo and condition my hair like 10-15 hairs are on my hands and a couple more fall out when I rinse. The funny thing is my hair is really thick, everytime I go to get a haircut they compliment me on how thick my hair is and what not. The downside to my hairline recession (mostly on the two sides of my temples) is the fact that I cant buzz or cut my hair short because then I will look bad. Im considering getting a hair transplant when I am 20 ish because I cant stand my hair line, and it definitly doesnt help my looks (im pretty good looking) what are your guys's advice, what should I do. Haha and also is there any haircuts that are shorter but wont show my temple hair recession? thank you for the feedback!



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Get on Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine) and you will be safe for years bro. Your hairline is receding yes, but with meds you can maintain and probably regrow those short hairs for years. It's the best thing to do! And then when you turn 30, if you think its worth it, go for a transplant.

Thats what Im planning to do, I'm a few years older than you though.