baldness, a reproductive advantage?


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5,624, this very interesting article argues it should not be considered a disease or disorder. a realistic bald man made it too, and it cites actual psychological research of the perception of baldness

another interesting thing i found in it was the average age people perceive us to be

in the study itself it says people perceived bald men to be 0.5 to 10 years older than what they actually were, so on average we look 5 years older than we really are.

you should also look at the guy's main page. he is a successful bald musician, playwright and actor who is writing a new script for a play about baldness. it's going to be a stage play in new york city


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Being overweight was once something of an evolutionary advantage because it means that person was well fed and nourished, but now we know how unhealthy it is. I'm not saying balding is unhealthy, but rather that the advantageousness of a quality shifts over time depending on one's society and surroundings, so just because balding was advantageous back then does not mean it is advantageous now.


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Being overweight was once something of an evolutionary advantage because it means that person was well fed and nourished, but now we know how unhealthy it is. I'm not saying balding is unhealthy, but rather that the advantageousness of a quality shifts over time depending on one's society and surroundings, so just because balding was advantageous back then does not mean it is advantageous now.

I don't think it was considered an evolutionary advantage, although it might have been a sign of wealth and prosperity.

The sexual attraction has always been the same though, you can see the evidence of that in the Greek statues for example; any girl today would kill to be with a guy having a body as any of the ones portrayed in those marble figures. I have also read a decent amount of old literature (200 AD for example), and the hot girls of the time are described just as the hot girls today.

There are, however, a couple of Renaissance portraits with women a bit overweight and there is this myth that people liked their women fat, but that's just because the artists usually had noble figures as models. Another classic myth is Marilyn Monroe being fat, when in reality if you see pictures of her she looks just like any 2014 hottie (and with no Photoshop, so maybe even hotter). Proof and a treat for the eyes :p :



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I do not agree with his thesis.
First, for a gene to survive, it need not present an evolutionary advantage, it just needs to be not disadvantageous enough.
For early onset baldness, this corresponds to where if the baldite's family had resources, then women would make babies with the man.
Second, baldness usually hits after 26-27. And men historically had passed on their genes by then, so the bald genes just slipped by.

But interesting post Exodus.


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I do not agree with his thesis.
First, for a gene to survive, it need not present an evolutionary advantage, it just needs to be not disadvantageous enough.
For early onset baldness, this corresponds to where if the baldite's family had resources, then women would make babies with the man.
Second, baldness usually hits after 26-27. And men historically had passed on their genes by then, so the bald genes just slipped by.

But interesting post Exodus.

Exactly, but also because a relationship didn't really exist then and people only married for personal reason and not because they were in love. If things then were like now I think male pattern baldness wouldn't be so common anymore.


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JESUS CHRIST could he have picked a smaller ****ing font? Now Im blind and bald! At least I wont know how fat the girl hitting on me really is.

Anyway these article annoy the piss out of me.
There is NO advantage. If women want an older successful male they will just examine his spending not if he is bald.
Is being colorblind being bred out? No, but it has no advantages. Has midgetry (not a word but you get it) been bred out? No, Has ANY negative aspect been bred out? No.

This "article" is the biggest load of crap I have read in a long time. And Ive been reading MSNBC!

If something is hereditary, causes some form of physical or mental anguish and is looked upon by the population majority as not only non beneficial but a negative it is in fact a disorder.

This article and post officially RUINED my day and honestly Ive been trying to avoid this forum for a bit. Now I think I remember why.


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About Marilyn Monroe:

This is the reason we should never be ashamed of ourselves for undergoing cosmetic surgery (a FUE to restore our hair for example). If even the woman who's considered the sexiest of all time has done it without shame, we should all be able to do it. This also proves that almost everyone cheats in Hollywood. Every celebrity, every advertisement picture you see in every magazine, either the actors were all dolled-up to look like they're absolutely perfect, or Photoshop did the rest (and sometimes all) of the work.

It's important for all hair loss sufferers to be aware of these things. Girls will say we're shallow and vain because we want to restore our hair, then sit in front on their computer quoting Marilyn Monroe on Facebook, because she was so perfect and not vain and shallow at all!

In the words of hellouser: "Society makes me sick".

This is just the way we are. We all like to look good, and we love to be sexually attractive. I don't think women deny the fact that they like to look pretty, in fact it's all the opposite.

The problem is that as young bald men, we just never expected it to be this bad, or maybe we just took everything for granted. Baldness affects us mainly due to that; we want to look as good as possible, because we want the most attractive sexual partner we can get. Without hair, we are reduced to the less wanted people, even if everything else seems in place. This is where the problem begins, and it's even bigger for those who were used to play in the higher leagues and, suddenly, they have to conform themselves with fatties or 45+ year old divorced (most likely twice) women.

In conclusion, you don't have to try to justify your FUE. I assume that many people in your circle are against it, but I wouldn't care at all. It's your life, and you have to live it at the fullest. And as we know, no hair = low quality life.