Bad News

Thin Jim

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I have been taking dutasteride for the last 7 months or so with excellent results, however in the last couple of weeks I have begun to develop gyno. I have always had a slightly large chest area, but it has never been a real prob. But over the last couple of weeks it has been developing quite a bit. A colleague at work actually asked me if I had 'grown pecs', so they must have become a lot more prominent than before.

I knew I was more prone than most to this side effect having a slightly bulky physique, but hair was more important and I was prepared to take the risk. Its not as though I have a huge set, but its really beginning to bother me.

I have decided to take immediate action. I am being shipped 'letrozole' along with 'AIFM'. I have read a lot of good things about these drugs ability to reverse gyno. I plan to take the letozole for 4 weeks and then counter the estrogen rebound with the AIFM for 1 1.2 weeks.

No matter what happens with these drugs I am not giving up the dutasteride. Having hair is more important to me than getting tits. If the drugs fail to work, I may have to look into surgery. I let you know what happens


Senior Member
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Best of luck w/ everything.



In ouer Board
a Men takes all 5 Days one dutasteride and has good success



Experienced Member
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Sorry to hear Jim, I hope you can find a way to reverse it.

I was pleased to hear your results on dutasteride and I have been on it for the last results yet but hoping. No sides either at this time which is better than finasteride.


Established Member
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Are you taking both dutasteride and finasteride at the same time? You seem to be taking VERY heavy doses of both as well.


Senior Member
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thin jim,you have my full respect for deciding to carry on with dutasteride.

having your gyno removed is easier than getting a good transplant.

i myself will almost defintley develop some gyno as i am on dutasteride as well as 100mg of oral spironolactone daily,so i understand were you are coming from