AussieExperiments Story - (28, thinning on vertex with pics)


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A number of people on this forum have probably seen my posts, and many people have helped me along the way.

I have just turned 28 and I probably noticed minor thinning of the vertex about 4 years ago. However, last year it suddenly got really bad. I believe that 12 months of very high stress may have contributed to the accelerated rate of hairloss.

I have no history of hairloss in my family on either side.

After finally deciding that I had to do something I visited the doctor. Thankfully he prescribed Finasteride. I started Finasteride approx 4 months ago in late September 06.

After discovering I added a number of additional topicals and supplements to my regime. I started Minoxidol and Tricomin about 2.5 months ago in November 06.

For more details of my regime please see my profile.

I am very lucky to have a caring hairdresser who is quite interested in my situation. I got my hair cut on the weekend and she said that there were a number of new hairs coming through and she thought it had improved since my last visit.

I know it is still early days, as most benefit is normally achieved at least 4-6 months into treatment. However, I believe that I may have had some minor improvement. At the very least it does not seem to be any worse.

I was hesitant about posting my story as I am afraid of jinxing what could be favorable results. However, I feel that with the help I have received from this site it is the least I can do.

I will post further images at the 4month and 6month marks.

I know I will get questions regarding shedding so here it is. Yes I did get shedding which lasted for the first 6-8 weeks. I was probably losing up to 100 - 150 hairs per day. I am now losing approx 50-60 hairs per day. Who knows when the next shed will happen. Hopefully when it does it won't be too bad.

6 November 2006

14 January 2007


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Looks like you've given yourself a comb over in the second pic...but looks like it's improved.


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Thanks for the feedback

Skaff said:
Looks like you've given yourself a comb over in the second pic...but looks like it's improved.

Skaff I appreciate your opinion. As I said in my original post, I have only just begun to see progress. I think it is looking healthier at the very least. Trying to remain positive. Remember I am only 2.5 months into my treatment.

I will post an update pic in a month or two.

Wish me luck :)


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Looks better all around, even if your hair might be longer in the second pic. Keep on it!


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Re: Thanks for the feedback

AussieExperiment said:
Skaff said:
Looks like you've given yourself a comb over in the second pic...but looks like it's improved.

Skaff I appreciate your opinion. As I said in my original post, I have only just begun to see progress. I think it is looking healthier at the very least. Trying to remain positive. Remember I am only 2.5 months into my treatment.

I will post an update pic in a month or two.

Wish me luck :)

I just re-read my post and I'm not sure what I was talking about...huge improvement...after 2.5 months?!?!


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Re: AussieExperiments Story - (with pics)

your hair didnt look bad in the first pic, it just looks a lot better in the 2nd one.

great result!


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Any updates?

In april 2007 you posted in the shedding forum that it was all over and you were going to have a scalp biopsy and consider shaving.

What's happened since then? Still taking finasteride? What's the status of your hair?

I was really impressed by your gains on month 3, wondering where you are today.


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just so you know this thread is about a year old, and about 4 months after this post the OP posted in the shedding forum saying it all went to sh*t and he's quitting finasteride/shaving his head.

i just bumped this to see if he can update us on the current situation.


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My Regimen
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Rapid change.

Wonder will it work with frontal?


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It's proven all treatments work better at the crown.