Are You Wasting Money on Multivitamins?


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Hammy070 said:
Some cancers though are puzzling and difficult to prevent, I have thought about annual comprehensive scans to detect the initial development of any cancers, because death from cancer is easily avoidabe when the symptoms havn't fully materialized. I am optimistic though about future medical science where targetted accurate therapy and more insight into the core causes of cancers will further lessen the likelyhood of cancer deaths.

Resveratol also looks good but it's pricey! :-/

I thought there are some DNA tests to check for hereditary cancer?

A friend lost an aunt to cancer last year, and her whole family was tested for future cancer. One of the kids was found to be very likely to develop early cancer, and she was operated on as a preventive measure.

But I really don't know how the tests are done..