Are there legit hair system companies? Anyone in the Toronto-to-Mich wanna help?


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I've been looking at some hair treatments (beyond the drugs which aren't working for me), and there are many legitimate hair surgeons but I can't afford it right now (I'm in my 20's), and am looking for a hair system.

The thing that scares me are the horror stories about things not matching, discoloration, and just the horrible companies out there that are either unprofessional or inconsistent. Is there some go-to place that people tend to use?

I'm in the Toronto-to-Michigan region and the best that I've found was some guy from NewRoots but he's way too expensive, I can not afford spending $800 on a system every few months.

Is there anybody in my region that wears and is willing to help a young guy out? I will compensate you for your time, I just would love for someone to show me the ropes.

Thanks for any of your help guys!!!


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a friend of mine went to Alexis hair systems and got a combination of non surgical and permagraft....although he was very happy with it, he recommends doing the non-surgical itself.

Personally, I've seen videos of New Roots, and am interested in getting a consultation. The way I'm thinking is, spend the $800 initial, find out how he does it, and order the pieces online going forward. He will teach you how to apply your piece, maintain it, give you a DVD with all of the why not take that information, buy your own piece from places like TopLace and do it yourself? These pieces apparently last about 2-3 months...


Hi friend, If you are in China, I can help you, as we are hair replacement manufacturer, most of hair replacement are made in China, HM ..........


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New Roots offers a really good product. But my comments are strictly based on visiting and talking with Nick and Joe, I've never actually purchased a system there.

4 years ago I was new to hair systems and brought 2 systems I purchased online (Toplace) to New Roots. Nick was a really cool guy and I got to sit in and watch Joe get a cut in. Anyways, I thought my systems were decent, but not great. I wasn't pleased with hairline. It was too straight. Here's the importance of a hairstylist or someone who's been in the game. Nick sat me down and offered to make me a template, so I could go back home and order another system from Toplace using the template he created for me. Let me tell you, it turned out perfect. As a newbie the tendency is to draw a straight and or too youthful hairline.

Any ways, when I got my new systems from Toplace, I got a cut-in at New Roots and it looked amazing!

I'll always be appreciative to Nick and Joe @ New Roots and they do offer an amazing product (especially when it comes to single knotted hairs that actually look like they're growing out of your head), but they cost more.

You can get by with ordering a hair system online and having them perform the cut-in, but if you were to examine and take a microscope to New Roots system they do look way more realistic....


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Did anyone ever help you out? If not let me know and I can help you get started. I am in Hamilton, ON.
