Anyone know about Anapelli?


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Last year a client of mine suggested I go to Anapelli Hair Systems in New York. (I don't have their phone number off hand but I'm sure they are listed). Here's what I know about them. It’s a non-invasive series of treatments over a period of months designed to prevent further hair loss and keep your scalp healthy. It’s run by a medical doctor who first takes photos of your scalp (magnified 200 times) and he then personalizes a treatment regimen of products and vitamins designed for your individual scalp and overall health. They have been in Europe for more than twenty years with dramatic success. They are in New York only a few years. I must say that after twelve weeks of treatment I’m very impressed and see the difference in the way my hair looks (and so does my wife and friends). However, I’d like to know if anyone has any experience and any suggestions.

I’m now at the point that I need to decide if I want the second set of treatments. On the one hand I’m delighted with the results. On the other hand I don’t know if there’s any long-term effect. I’m a typical non-trusting New Yorker and up until them I’ve been turned off to this cities numerous hair-loss hustlers. These people (at Anapelli) appear very different. If nothing else they are very sincere and committed to their biocapilation system. As nothing is ingested (other than vitamins) I doubt it can do me any harm but I’m interested in hearing from others. They have a huge book of testimonials but of course I have no idea how many letters they got from unhappy people. I know I’m very vain about my hair and hate the thought of transplant surgery.

Now that I soon need to decide if I continue treatment I would greatly appreciate hearing from other group members.