Anyone hear of this?


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> Hi Dr.Lee,
> I have been using Minoxidil 5% for about 1.5 months.?I am a diffuse
> thinner, the crown of my hairs are thin so I use the Minoxidil over over my
> crown area.?I noticed that I got less hairs in my crown area after using
> Min.?If this is the shedding, how long would the shedding last, I am
> getting worry since it is worse that I started.

You are probably going through a stage of genetically
predisposed accelerated
hair loss and minoxidil is only slowing it down.

> Did any patients have
> negative responses from using Minoxdil, meaning hair won't be grown by using
> Minoxidil?

Minoxidil does not cause everyone's hair to grow. On the
other hand, minoxidil
does not cause hair not to grow.

> What is the sucess rate for Minoxidil?

~50% with 5% minoxidil alone, ~70% with minoxidil plus a
drug to protect the
follicles from DHT. Even higher concentrations of minoxidil
give better results.


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What is

genetically predisposed accelerated hair loss

Sound so SCARY


Established Member
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Rsx said:
What is

genetically predisposed accelerated hair loss

Sound so SCARY

He said STAGE, which maybe is just another word for shedding?


Rsx said:
What is

genetically predisposed accelerated hair loss

Sound so SCARY

It is a description of male pattern baldness.

male pattern baldness is genetic

Only those of use genetically predisposed will get male pattern baldness

male pattern baldness will accelerate your hair loss