Anybody consider Plastic Surgery?


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danny dandenov, if you're tall you could actually benefit from working out unlike us manlet guys.

consider it, if you accquired a respectable physique doors would be open for moderate success with club sl*ts, ya dig?


Senior Member
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danny dandenov, if you're tall you could actually benefit from working out unlike us manlet guys.

consider it, if you accquired a respectable physique doors would be open for moderate success with club sl*ts, ya dig?

Lmao i have been thinking about going to the gym for a while now to be fair.


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danny dandenov, if you're tall you could actually benefit from working out unlike us manlet guys.

consider it, if you accquired a respectable physique doors would be open for moderate success with club sl*ts, ya dig?

I agree!!!!

6.2 is an awesome height.


My Regimen
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Hellz yea it is

Id be goin to fight trainig, workin out, and obliviatin' new fresh wet pussy every weekend

Id whack off in bed when my bish says "omg ur so tall!"

andrew lincoln

I have thought about minor plastic surgery, but just inpatient stuff like injections for dark circles etc.

Mr White

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Not exactly plastic surgery but I once considered the possibility of having a noninvasive liposuction. It was all over the news recently but it was too expensive and the clinic that was doing it seemed a bit shady. Moreover I couldn't find much info on it on the internet, so I quickly abandoned the idea.


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Not really. I don't like to brag, but I have a perfect head shape, good skin tone & facial features, and also can grow pretty decent facial hair. But I still dread the day when I will need to go sly.
With a solid head of hair, that I've lost recently, I would've been finaly in full conformity with my looks for the first time. Nothing sucks more than balding in your 20's. It's like I've only just had "aged" into my looks: I look the best I've ever was and will be, besides hair ofc. It's like I've finaly beat the awkward puberty years, and it just ended where it should've start. I've been robbed of my youth...

andrew lincoln

Not really. I don't like to brag, but I have a perfect head shape, good skin tone & facial features, and also can grow pretty decent facial hair. But I still dread the day when I will need to go sly.
With a solid head of hair, that I've lost recently, I would've been finaly in full conformity with my looks for the first time. Nothing sucks more than balding in your 20's. It's like I've only just had "aged" into my looks: I look the best I've ever was and will be, besides hair ofc. It's like I've finaly beat the awkward puberty years, and it just ended where it should've start. I've been robbed of my youth...

Dude if you really do have the perfect head shape, then the fact that you are in your twenties shouldn't be a deal breaker, you should just focus on your fitness and your dating life should be fine. Guys with weird shaped heads on the other hand, can be screwed from balding, but having a good head shape really is key!


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It's not that simple, andrew. I wish it was. I love my hair and I love feeling it. Long hair is defining point of my self-image. I look very young and people still notice that somehting is wrong with my hair right now, especialy when I am always thinking about it. Talk to UCman, with somewhat similar condition, but of course several steps ahead in the hair loss department. My point is, he has good head shape too. Ask him if he doesn't feel bad about balding just because of this mildly redeeming factor, but not crucial by any means.