Any diffuse thinners out there found a regimen that works?


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Diffuse thinners... have anyone found out a regimen that worked? I'm on my 8 month 1mg finasteride and nizoral. At one point it seemed like the regime was working and since two months ago its back to the beginning. Shed shed shed...

Diffusers should have their own little category to discuss what works for one another with the same situation.


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My regimen is working... just stick with it and give it time.


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if u have realistic expectations.... then more than likely any proven (finasteride and/or minoxidil), steady (use as directed) regimen will work for u


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Ive been using Propecia for almost 6 years and it has maintained. I've never used topicals cause I hate putting that stuff all over my head twice a day. Makes my hair greasy and thinned out, and its a bit harder to do with diffuse thinning.

In any case, I've just added Lasercomb and minoxidil 1x at night (and 2x when I can) to see if I can get any regrowth.

Looking through some previous posts, I read where some people apply minoxidil in the morning and let it sit for one hour and then wash it off after the hour. I might try something like this, although then I have to get up earlier in the day.


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Sounds good... well im starting to notice my shedding is reducing to fewer hairs in the shower now, but I don't see any regrowth or thickening up yet. I just took my first dose of MSM today. I'll let you guys know if it helps in any way.