Any Advice To Get Your Mind Under Control.


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Sounds tough man. Yea, its pretty difficult to cope and there’s definitely days that are better than others. You’ve had some pretty wildcards thrown your way but I think you’re missing perspective man. First off, take into consideration where you live. I betcha its better than 6 billion/7 billion people on this earth. Next take food, events and health. If hairloss is your only medical disadvantage thats a blessing. This is coming from the same guy who’s had the same episodes as you - whining and asking the world “why me, why now”. I too have days where I wish I didnt have to deal with it and it could all end but at the end of the day... it is what it is. Thats the cold hard truth... it is what it is. Further than that everything else is how you react to it. I personally do my best to remain optimistic (even though I find myself taking average 80-110 pictures a day). I think the disconnect is between us knowing that hairloss is okay and believing that it is ok. We all know its ok.. so many people say so and a majority even elect to shave their heads and be fine with it. However we chose not to believe this and cannot see ourselves looking like that. I think the more you push yourself to be optimistic and tell that voice in your head “hey f*** you, I’m going to do this because I can and want to regardless of my hair strands” the closer you will become to it bothering you less and less. Overall I think that tactics that help me the most is being optimistic, putting things into perspective and noticing the millions and millions of people that have overcome it in their own ways - this gives me hope that I can too.


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Well, i really think that you would deeply benefit from some CBT ( cognitive behavioral therapy ) it will really help in making you see things from a different perspective. Next you should really start doing some exercise, a sport to really get everything out of you and focus your anger and frustrations on that, you really need to keep your mind busy with other things so that it does not have time to focus on all the bad and useless things that don't get you any benefits. Don't be afraid or feel shame to seek help, we all need it and sometimes it's the best thing we could do even if we postpone it until maybe it's even to late.

It maybe sound stupid but this is the best and only solution in my opinion and from my experience, keep your mind, body and yourself busy as much as you can, leaving your mind to less time to focus on the things you are feeling and expressing now. You will be so tired at night that you won't literally have the urge or time to think of these things. Please do also consider some CBT management, it will really help.
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Research some grounding techniques on Google for how to deal with the panic attacks. If some don't work, just keep looking until you find some that do.

Try to create a new meaning for your connection with your father. You are trying to hold onto the relationship and meaning that was possible in your relationship when he was here. You will only get more depressed until you find a new meaning to the relationship. Maybe do things in his memory, do things to make him proud, do things that you can talk to him about, even if it is a 1 side conversation. Just do things.