Another Uk Hair Transplant Question


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Hi all,

I’m looking at getting a hair transplant within this year, my only issue (which I know a lot of people say not the UK) is that I am restricted to the UK because of work commitments.

I really don’t know which surgeon to go for? Dr Edward ball or dr Farjo?? I have seen one or two people posting not so positive reviews about dr farjo but not so much dr Edward ball. My biggest issue with the Maitland clinic is that it is a 6 hour drive for me while Farjo is a 2 hour.
I know this doesn’t and shouldn’t persuade my decision so I’m trying to keep it impartial on that one.

So I’m just wondering who would be the best??


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From what I’ve seen of UK hair transplant doctors, Dr Ball and Dr Reddy seem to be the ones that do good work consistently but I haven’t seen as many patient posted results from them compared to their marketing before and afters.