another product with big claims--Bryan,, etc..


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This company is in Las vegas..the pics look good, too good to believe, in my opinion, I spoke with one of the guys there. Its a 2 brother owned company, I emailed the main guy there (shane) hairloss talks article on saw palmetto and the fact it doesnt do anything for hair growth, so this guy called me on my cell to discuss my questions, but i wasnt available.

The solution has minoxidil and herbals (saw palmetto), etc.. They said that the minoxidil has been processed so the alcohol and the penetration of the minoxidil wont cause side effects like the standard rogaine and lee, etc,, its supposed to stay around the follicle longer or something to that effect....

I think its all hype myself, the guy i talked to (sean) seemed like an ok guy, the main one to talk to is a guy named shane, i asked about clinical studies and data, and all that they said they have all done it in house, all the pics he verified are not transplants. although they do that there too..what do you guys think? bullshit?

The Gardener

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This is just my OPINION on this product:

It looks to me like minoxidil plus a bunch of vitamins. All for the very competitive price of $66 a month. NOT!

You can buy standard Minoxidil, vitamins from a vitamin shop, and a really good shampoo to 'detoxify' your scalp for a lot less per month than this packaged product.


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i concurr


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There is probably about 2 dozen products like this out there. Just minoxidil and supps. The only difference is various aspects of the over priced shampoo's.


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really, I mean if you really think topical SP or green tea is effective, you can just by some in liquid form and add it to your regular 5% and save some bucks.

The Gardener

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fallout said:
But these results are pretty impressive; I'd pay $66 for that type of regrowth.

First off, NEVER trust pictures as "results". ONLY trust statistics, preferrably with concurrence of a government agency such as the FDA. Now, FDA statistics notwithstanding, statistics showing "results" done in a scientific manner (i.e. a controlled study with a significant population) are acceptable as well. Why? Because a company can get their pants sued off if they push a product with fictitious statistics to back it, which is not necessarily the case at all when pictures are used to push a product.

You see, the pictures showing "results" might have been taken of someone who is also using Propecia and Xandrox? Of course, when ONLY presenting a picture of proof, they very conveniently DON'T have to mention this. All they have to say is here is Bill on day one and here is Bill on day 28 after using our product.

Now, back to the ingredients...

The first component of their regime is Vita-5A-SR, which from how they describe it must be the component that contains the minoxidil and herbals. This component, they say, includes:

"Unprecedented, patented and patent pending formula and delivery vehicle delivers high concentration of growth agents and medication directly to the hair bulb.... Specially formulated for men, Vitadil-5A-SR combines FDA approved hair growth ingredients & other clinically proven agents to control and reverse androgenic Alopecia by A: Vasodilation: Dilating the capillaries to get more blood flow (= More amino Acids) to the matrix cells in the bulb of hair. The matrix cells convert the amino acids to keratin and grow at a much higher rate."

Sounds like minoxidil to me... especially since they specifically mention that this is an "FDA approved hair growth ingredient" and interestingly they market the men's version as Vitadil-5a-sr and the women's version as Vitadil-2a-sr (5% minoxidil and 2% minoxidil, respectively?) The point I find bogus is their specific reference to vasodilation being an aid to fighting hairloss. This is unproven, the vasodilatory properties of minoxidil have been brushed aside as the reason why it works and most recent research has pointed at minoxidil' effect on "potassium channels" as the most likely factor in it's success as a hairloss fighting agent. They lose credibility on this one, it is true that minoxidil is a vasodilator but by calling it out like they do they are glossing over details. That, and by failing to actually SAY that the active ingredient is minoxidil and instead claiming the mixture to be their own "patent pending" potion, really gives me the impression that they are out to rip people off.

The second element of their programme are tablets called Recepto-Bloc, which according to them:

Recepto-Bloc® 500 Capsules blocks DHT from reaching hair folicle and thinning out your hair while safely allowing DHT to go through rest of body. This product does not have sexual side effects.

Now, let's stop here, take a deep breath, and really REALLY read the quote above one more time.

That's right. Stop right here, look up and REALLY read that quote one more time and think about what they are saying.

You have to be a f*****g idiot to believe that statement at face value. If they have something that has been proven to do that, then what else they got hidden in their labs?.. cold fusion? Of course, no mention here of any "FDA approved" or "patent pending" or that any ingredient is "proven" to do this because it ISN'T approved and it is NOT proven. I mean, let's stop for a second and think through this. They list no ingredients... just make this claim with no backup. Methinks this is the Saw Palmetto that they mentioned when you talked to them in person on the phone.

The third element of their programme is Peptide-M Growth Accelerator. All they say about this is:

Scientifically formulated to deliver additional DHT blocking agents along with Biotin, Panthenol directly to the bulb. Also delivers a high concentration of Amino Acids to the matrix cells, increasing growth rate considerably.

More unnamed "DHT blocking agents". Biotin you can buy at a vitamin store cheap, as you can "Panthenol" which is just a fancy word for Vitamin B5. Of course, "Panthenol" sounds sexier.

The fourth and final element in their programme is "Panthenol-Dx Follicle Detoxifier". As I have already mentioned, Panthenol is plain and simply vitamin B5. On an everyday online vitamin reference page (, here is what they had to say about Panthenol:

Vitamin B5

Panthenol is the alcohol form of pantothenic acid, more familiar as Vitamin B5. In a living cell, panthenol is converted to pantothenic acid, which then becomes an important part of the compound "Coenzyme A", which is important in cellular metabolism.

In hair, which contains no living cells, it remains as panthenol.

Because it could become a vitamin if it were ever to get to a living cell, it is marketed as a "provitamin", even though its effects as a vitamin are never used.

Because panthenol binds well to hair follicles, and attracts moisture from the air, it is a moisturizing agent used in shampoos and conditioners. It lubricates the hair without feeling greasy. It smoothes roughened hair surfaces, making them shiny and easier to comb.

Panthenol does not "nourish" hair. It coats it to make it slippery.

And that is it. If I were giving advice to the actual marketers of this product, and something tells me that I might be right now, then I would first of all specifically call out the Minoxidil ingredient in the first solution. If it has minoxidil in it, SAY that it does. People know about minoxidil and trust it. By hiding it and claiming it as your OWN 'FDA approved' and 'patent and patent pending' formula you are deceiving people into thinking that your exclusive and overpriced mix of minoxidil is something unique to your firm when the fact of the matter is that the minoxidil in it is the only reason why you can throw such claims of legitimacy around. This issue alone is reason enough for me to tag this as a scam, based on my initial opinion of what I read.

Your Recepto-Bloc pills sound like saw palmetto. Unproven, but enough evidence on paper to conceptually market it as a hairloss fighter for you to get away with selling it. The fact you sell a jar of it for $60 is nothing short of a crime. I hope you die young.

The third ingredient contains, supposedly, amino acids, more "DHT blocking agents" (saw palmetto?) and panthenol, erm, Vitamin B5. Another $40.

The last ingredient is more panthenol, for another $40. That's right, now we are up to 80 bucks worth of Vitamin B5, cough cough, oh that's right, 'Panthenol' that we are supposed to buy in order to keep our hair. The website claims it to be a "detoxifier". I have my doubts.

Have a nice evening.


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Fallout, what proof do you have that they're telling the truth?

The only proof in the world of hair loss is published clinical data.

They have none. Therefore they're lying :)


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Gardener, I feel you are 100% right on the mark on everything you said. When I talked to one of the brothers who owns this co, (sean) he said the 2 key ingredients are minoxidil and saw palmetto. I then emailed them hlts article on saw palmetto and the fact it doesnt do jack sh*t for hairloss, and so the older brother (shane) calls me on my cell and tells me to give him a call to discuss their product.

Well I didnt bother, I feela scam company out for the buck.
They are a sales office, no derms, or docs, just 2 sales guys with a chick answering the phone.
They have doctors performing transplants in the same office building there and supposedly they have a "reverse aging" doctor there advising them or something. Man is there enough of this bullshit out there or what...

The pics look too good to be true which means they are workshop material no? All the terminology is on their site to suck in people new to hairloss who are no yet familiar with sites like this to educate themselves...If guys like bryan, you,, etc...get a hold with them in a live conversation, I feel the sinking of the titanic would have gone smoother than those guys backing up the claims and pics...

in a nutshell thats what it is.... minoxidil and saw palmetto.....

the formula we have all been dreaming about huh!!

Good man Gardener


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The pics look unaltered. A good responder to Minoxidil could see growth like that.


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I saw this infomercial last night before I was gonna go to sleep. The pictures and testimonials were great but they never really explained what the product is or how it works...looks like it's another useless product. :cry:


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Packers said:
I saw this infomercial last night before I was gonna go to sleep. The pictures and testimonials were great but they never really explained what the product is or how it works...looks like it's another useless product. :cry:


If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a know the rest. No science here just another scam it seems, but you knew that didn't you.


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Just another company trying to ride on the back of Minoxidil.

Anyone could buy some minoxidil then add a load of sh*t to it to make it sound great and then sell it online. Shameless...