And there it is


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Okay, I've been on finasteride & nizoral for just over a month now, and hair loss has increased to the point where I now have a tiny bald spot at the back, which I can just about cover up because of the length of my hair.

Hair feels sh*t, and looks sh*t, and so do I today. I guess I'm going to have to shave it all off soon. That will probably look sh*t as well.

Should I just wait and give what I'm doing a chance?

I hate this. :x


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Did anybody who has had success on finasteride alone, suffer this? And did it come back? I know it's hard to judge, but when I started, I had been receding, and had some slight diffuse thinning... Now the diffuse thinning has got worse, and moved all the way to the back, and it's killing me to see that spot there.

Apologies to all the people who are maybe further on than I am, and getting pissed off at my feeling so sh*t so soon, but I can't help this. It's just the waiting for these things is tough. When I see that it says not to expect regrowth until month 6, and know that this is probably going to get worse, it screws me up.

What a f*****g mess life is. :cry: :)


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This isn't the simpsons.. you can't just pop a pill, and wake up the next morning with spanking full hair!

Give it a full year.. no pain no gain correct?


hey dave

I am new to all of this but it sounds like you are going threw what i am going threw, just give it some time you will be fine.


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Initial shedding is the toughest part about combatting hair loss. You have to expect that its going to get worse before it gets better. In the end it comes down to two things; faith and lack of options. Think of it this way, without treatments where would your hair be in three years? What do you really stand to lose?


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I was on finasteride alone for over 3 years. I think it maintained the back, but my front thinned and receded worse than ever.

Thank goodness, using minoxidil for the last 15 months has turned my hair around (started seeing results just 2 months in). Looks better than it has in ages.

If you keep losing ground, try the minoxidil!


Rage said:
This isn't the simpsons.. you can't just pop a pill, and wake up the next morning with spanking full hair!

I wish it was.