AMM's Story - (22)


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Sometimes paragraphs are difficult to read, so i'll go with a timeline for simplicity...

FALL 2009: EXTREMELY stressful time, won't go into it..but the whole semester was stressful to say the least; also was using heavy product in my hair daily

FEB 2010, started noticing hair coming out, mom informed me that she noticed a little thinness in december ...i didn't see it til now

March 2010: now that i'm paying attention hair is falling out in bunches, start obsessing over it, decide to take action

March 2010: go to doctor..says i have fungal infection, use ketoconazole for 2 weeks, then turns out that i didn't have an infection, wasted 2 weeks

April: appt w/dermatoligist, First blood tests, came back normal, then orders a skin analysis...says i have a bit of foliculitus and male pattern baldness... starts me on finesteride, says no Rogaine until we see how this works

May 2010 start on finesteride (proscar cut into 1/4ths (a couple months later proscar went on walmarts 9 dollar Rx list so 4 mo for 9 bucks!)

NOvember: 6 mo appt w/derm, pics she took 6 mo ago show thickening of front and middle, still says no rogaine til we see how it turns out in a year, "why pay for 2 things when 1 is working"...i was ok with that since i was seeing results. I'm also a little afraid to go on rogaine becuase the shed might make me so thin i can't cover it up haha

Continued to lose hair pretty hardcore until around november and I have noticed a SIGNIFICANT decrease in volume of loss

Now (Beg of FEB) really thinking I've gotten some growth. Most of my loss has been in the front right and front/middle left...kind of odd...but the filling in seems as if its coming from back to front. I feel alot thicker in the middle of my head than i did just a few months ago...and it seems like the proscar has halted my hairline at receding only about a centimeter from where it was.

Overall my really scary experience has been calmed by the fact that proscar has stabelized (and maybe reversed a bit of) my hairloss. Toppik is a lifesavor, especially since i have quite a bit of hair. A few sprinkles and its like i haven't lost anything. I figure its a quick fix until I either a) get alot of regrowth from products b)get a hair transplant c) or accept it (prob won't happen)

Thanks for listening, I do have pics at the derm's..maybe i'll get those when i go back in a couple months so i can see how i'm doing